View Full Version : Mobile phones - brain tumour

09-07-19, 10:15
Hi everyone,

I regularly visit the forum when having another anxiety ‘attack’, read replies to others and feel a little better. However, I feel like I’m the only one in this situation at the moment.
I’m absolutely petrified I have caused severe irreversible damage from using my phone (next to head). I have used my mobile phone for an hour or more a day when calling family and friends (after moving away), for about 10 years.
My healthy anxiety is through the roof, and I’m scared this is what will be the end of me...I can’t seem fine anyone in the same situation as me either...I guess no one was as silly as me to do this!

Any reassurance/suggestions welcome :)

09-07-19, 11:00
Direct quote from the cancer research website..... who obviously know what they are on about....

There still aren't any good explanations for how mobile phones could cause cancer. The radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation they transmit and receive is very weak. This radiation does not have enough energy to damage DNA, and cannot directly cause cancer.

09-07-19, 13:41
Emmz is right.

That said, there are physical consequences of too much cell phone usage. "Text neck" is an ailment caused by the head down posture we see all the time when using a phone and the large increase in accidents caused by cell phone usage while driving or walking.

Positive thoughts

09-07-19, 14:17
.I can’t seem fine anyone in the same situation as me either...I guess no one was as silly as me to do this!

There are loads of posts on here about this, just use the search facility and you will find them - we have had similar posts for years now and not one person has got cancer or anything like that from it.