View Full Version : How to approach going off of medication?

09-07-19, 14:49
A few years ago I really hit a wall, my HA was off the charts and I was beginning to suffer from depression as well. I went to a psych, was prescribed Lexapro and then eventually switched to Prozac and have generally been doing pretty well. I've gained weight which I don't like but both my anxiety and depression are well controlled and I want to consider stopping my AD and seeing what happens. Of course, I will speak with my doc first but I'm not sure how to approach the subject with her as I've been doing well but I'm concerned she'll say it's just because my medication is working. Which might be totally correct but I'd like to know if I can cope without it.

Is that silly? How do I start that conversation without seeming foolish?

10-07-19, 11:15
both my anxiety and depression are well controlled and I want to consider stopping my AD and seeing what happens. Of course, I will speak with my doc first but I'm not sure how to approach the subject with her as I've been doing well but I'm concerned she'll say it's just because my medication is working. Which might be totally correct but I'd like to know if I can cope without it.

Is that silly? How do I start that conversation without seeming foolish?

There is nothing foolish about it. The general rule of thumb for the first time ADs are taken is to remain on the med for 12 months before coming off it over a month or two. It seems you've been taking fluoxetine (Prozac) for much longer than this so there should be no reason why your doctor would object.

Because of its very long half-life, 5-6 days for fluoxetine, up to 16 days for its active metabolite, tapering off this med is usually straight forward.