View Full Version : Worrying about marks on skin

09-07-19, 19:14
I don’t know what’s going on with me this week but my health anxiety is worse than normal.
Last week I noticed a small dark (ish) freckle on my lower back and started panicking about it.. another part of my brain was telling me it has been there forever and it doesn’t look unusual.. I’m not sure why it caught my eye again.

Then weeks ago I got a spot on my chest which isn’t unusual especially when I use moisturiser etc it was red and quite big and it’s gone right down now and is no longer red but it’s still there -although very small - I’m only worried as to why it’s taking so long for it to disappear.

Then most recently my attention turned to a light blue mark right above my buttocks and directly next to it is a light pink patch of skin. I know these marks were here over a year ago and they couldn’t have just appeared last year otherwise I know I’d have gone straight to the doctors so they must have been there for a long time.. I was trying to examine closely and the pink patch looks a bit like spider veins or thread veins and maybe the small light blue patch is a vein too.. it’s never really bothered me before so I’m not sure why I keep obsessing about it now..

I’m starting CBT tomorrow so hoping to stop all this obsessive worrying because it’s stopping me from enjoying my life.