View Full Version : Dermatofibroma? Nodular Melanoma? Should I be concerned?

11-07-19, 16:27
I've been suffering from health anxiety for years. I recently gave in about 4-5 months ago and started to see a psychologist, which has helped somewhat...although it's still a work in progress.

So I have made a doctor's appointment tomorrow to get a couple of skin issues looked at to try and ease my mind.

1. One is a small spot on my forearm that looks like dry skin. I tend to notice it more in the summer when my skin tans a little. I have noticed this for a couple of years and it hasn't changed any.
2. Another is a small mole I have on my nose. I went back and looked at photos and I have had this mole for 10 years. It hasn't grown in size, but I believe it may have become elevated 4-5 years ago. I do have a lot of large pores on my nose, and the pores go around this little bump. So I don't know if that helps make it more elevated than the rest of my nose.
3. This is the one I'm perhaps most concerned about. On my ankle, just about where my sock elastic would rest, is a small skin coloured or dark pinkish bump. It's no bigger than a pencil eraser...probably smaller actually. I have had this bump there since at least October 2016. It kind of came on suddenly then, and hasn't left or seemed to have changed or grown in any way. I first noticed it while scratching my legs due to what I believe to have been fly/mosquito bites. At this time I scratched this bump like it was a bug bite and it scabbed over, and then the result is the bump I have now.

I read online that if you press around a dermatofibroma, it should indent in the middle. This bump is so small, and located above my ankle in such a way, that I can't really squeeze around it or tell if there is an indent. And of course, during my googling (I know, I know), I found something I didn't know about before. Nodular Melanoma.

My question is this. How likely is this to be nodular melanoma? Would it have grown since 2016? Would I have gotten sick since then?

I'd like to hear from some of you guys with experience or knowledge. Maybe to ease my mind.

I will be seeing a doctor tomorrow afternoon and having her take a look, but I'm assuming she'll refer me to a dermatologist so I'll likely have a long anxious wait before I can get in to see one of those.

Hopefully someone can offer some words of advice or experience.

Thank you!

11-07-19, 16:43
I read online......

Just from the thread title we're talking about a self inflicted worry courtesy of Dr. Google :doh: "Told Ya So Gang" on standby ;)

Positive thoughts

11-07-19, 17:47
I'm aware! The problem is, the worry is real though. I can't help that it's self-inflicted, but I'm still looking for some thoughts/personal experience in the meantime while I wait to see my doctor. I've been working with a psychologist to stop the health anxiety, and it's a slow work in progress