View Full Version : I can't stop twitching!!!

12-07-19, 00:56
So, right off the bat, I'll say this.. I'm not jumping on the ALS wagon. But with that said, I do feel like I am going crazy.

It has been getting worse recently, but i feel like i have these little random electric shocks on random parts of my body, though more focused on my legs. It's not one in particular, and it certainly can hit my arms, or even my sides. Nothing the sends my limbs flying, just.. tweaks. This is in addition to the lots of much smaller random muscle twitches I have, which now makes me VERY twitchy.

Even worse, I notice my legs feel like they are constantly tensed up, as if I am getting ready to run. I feel like this may be contributing to the twitches, but I have no idea how to get it under control at this point.

Part of me wonders if it is the zoloft I am taking that is messing me up, and part of me just wonders what the heck it is. All I know is its annoying, and I am starting to feel like Tweak on Southpark...

12-07-19, 02:26
What's up shadowhawk,

If you have had ongoing anxiety for a while, which I assume you have then muscle fasiculations are quite common. The legs are probably the most common location but any muscle can be affected. Totally harmless, although quite annoying. As far as your legs feeling tense. That's usually a result of muscle tension which contributes to the twitching. Kind of goes hand in hand so to speak and a common anxiety symptom. Try to relax, stretching helps as well.

Take care

12-07-19, 02:56
I 100% get zaps and twitches from zoloft. Even if you stop taking the stuff, the effects can last months after. They're brain meds and will absolutely affect the signals your brain sends out to your body. When I first started taking it, I would clench my jaw so hard I broke a crown. However, I can absolutely handle the side effects because the alternative is not a thing I wish to entertain in my life!

You're smart to think of mood meds as a reason for weird symptoms. If you look up a list of side effects, you will find your experience there.

All the best, and continue taking good care of yourself. It can be hard sometimes.

12-07-19, 04:24
Coincidentally my anxiety has kicked up recently with twitches and little electric zaps. The twitches are mostly in my fingers, toes, and eyelids. The little electrical pains are all over. Seems to be worse in late afternoon/ evening. Worried about something neurological.

12-07-19, 04:34
Hey shadowhawk, like most everyone said here, it is a common symptom of anxiety, yet annoying. I’m on a 10mg dose of Prozac for my anxiety, and part of my side effects is muscle twitches in my legs.
Zoloft could have an impact on that, but I wouldn’t be 100% sure on that. Could be just casual anxiety doing it’s anxiety things, but it would make sense that your Zoloft is causing that.
Nothing to worry about, just something to cope with.
Positive thoughts my friend :)

12-07-19, 18:58
I am trying to stay positive, but its hard with your mind playing with you. I swear i can feel both of my calves really vibrating, and i still have the random "shocks".
I just dont get it.. i am on Zoloft, i know i am doing better, so i don't know why i am having these physical symptoms. It is so frustrating to never get relief from things

12-07-19, 20:33
I am trying to stay positive, but its hard with your mind playing with you. I swear i can feel both of my calves really vibrating, and i still have the random "shocks".
I just dont get it.. i am on Zoloft, i know i am doing better, so i don't know why i am having these physical symptoms. It is so frustrating to never get relief from things
Like I mentioned earlier, the Prozac that I am on gives me twitches in my hamstrings. Even though you may be feeling mentally better, like myself, the medication can still produce physical side effects. That comes with almost every medication in the SSRI section. Let anxiety keep talking. It's mindless compared to what you truly know is happening.

14-07-19, 18:33
Ever since I’ve started taking sertraline the muscles in my legs have twitched non-stop. Any time I sit still my thigh muscles feel like they’re crawling and my buttocks always twitches too when I’m sitting. I’m not overly worried about them, but I find them so annoying. When I first started taking sertraline I had twitches in my arms, back and face, but they’ve came and went it’s just the legs that won’t stop.