View Full Version : Hearing faint heartbeat in ears during the evening or quiet times?

12-07-19, 05:50
Hi fellow worriers,

For the most part, I feel like my GAD is under control. Every now and again something pops up that I can't ignore..
This time, it's a pulse in my ears that usually can only be heard at bedtime or when it's very quiet (except for today after I blew my nose).

It's been about 4 weeks.
I mentioned it to my gp. He listened to my neck, checked my ears, chest etc and referred me to an ENT.
My appointment is in October..[emoji2356]

I'm worried I'll die of an aneurysm or have a serious issue. :-/

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12-07-19, 08:31

I had exactly what you describe - the sound of my pulse/heartbeat in my left ear in bed or at quiet times - for a couple of months last year. I was worried about it at the time. My doctor couldn’t figure it out but wasn’t worried at all. And then it just went away; faded over a couple of days then disappeared. Looking back, it was probably just some fluid that took some time to drain. But it was fine, and you probably will be, too. It might even go before your appointment comes up. Hope this helps to reassure you.

12-07-19, 08:42
Weird that your Doctor refered you to an ENT for this, it's incredibly common and benign.

I've been able to hear my heartbeat in my left ear since I was 4-5 years old.

17-07-19, 06:44
I also find it strange your dr referred you to an ENT for this issue. I’ve had this off and on for years and my Dr. didn’t seem concerned at all. I noticed it’s worse if I’m dehydrated or of course, anxious. Try not to worry, I’m sure it’s nothing sinister.

17-07-19, 11:43
Thanks for replying everyone.

The ENT referral was also including an intermittent but chronic cough I have from post nasal drip. It's causing my throat to itch and my nights aren't the smoothest.

Sorry, I should've included that.

My ear however, started popping regularly over a couple of days, and the heartbeat is now gone. So it se seems my ear drained or something??

I am still worried about this cough. But thankfully the dreaded heartbeat sound has gone. I had it for 4 weeks o
In total.

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17-07-19, 11:51
You will cough as long as you have PND....in my experience. I also experience shortness of breath and chest pain with PND, but it tends to be a seasonal/allergy thing. We're Summer right now, so you're Winter?

17-07-19, 12:04
I've had it for 7 months now.
It's weird though, it plays up for a few weeks then disappears for 2 weeks.

I've tried antihistamine nasal sprays t o no avail. The dr perscribed a stronger dosage I'm yet to try.

It also coincided with me taking 20mg lexapro..

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17-07-19, 17:12
I have it, and have for the better part of a decade, though mine was diagnosable and related to something other than my ears or the blood vessels going into my ear. There are soooo many causes of pulsatile tinnitus, and the truth is, most never get comprehended. The majority of causes are benign. Mine was so bad at one point I joined a Facebook support group for it, and the VAST majority of people there had been trying for years, some for decades, to figure out what caused theirs and have it fixed to no avail. CT scans, MRIs, MRAs, ultrasounds and on and on, and no luck.

As an aside, one the biggest causes is anxiety and stress, which is why I ignored mine as long as I did.

18-07-19, 22:36
Thanks so all who replied.
I'm sorry some of you are still struggling with it. It's pretty annoying!

I'm definitely prepared for some tinnitus/hearing loss as I age.. coz.. walkman. (Yes, I showed my age!) [emoji2960]

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23-07-19, 03:55
The fact it disappears seems like good news. Perhaps some inflammation as the doctor is trying to treat? Mucus production increases in these areas when you have inflammation so perhaps it's like an allergy issue?

Remember you have worked hard to deal with your HA though as you were telling us in another thread. You have the knowledge and ability to address this and keep anxiety down.

23-07-19, 04:50
Yep. I'm not vwry concerned. I will see the ENT and get checked out for possible allergy causes.
I'm assuming things would be a lot different if it was more sinister. 8 months is a long time. I think it would be more obvious now!

Thanks for your reply.

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