View Full Version : definitely tmi, sorry, but public toilets!

18-09-07, 10:17
ok, i am sooo embarassed posting this, but i feel like my problem is getting out of hand and i'm hoping some lovely nmp'ers might be able to sympathise a little!

i have got kind of obsessed that i might need an... ahem... number 2 when i am out somewhere, which means that i dont really want to be out of the house any length of time. i am ok if i know there is a relatively private and clean public toilet where i am going, but if not it is a real problem.

Although i do have a major 'thing' about hygiene, it is definitely more of an embarassment problem than anything else, cos going round to other peoples houses is the biggest worry of all, honestly i seem to have this irrational fear that i am the only person in the world that ever needs to have a poo! :blush:

if someone invites me out or round to their house it is the first thing that comes into my head, and then because i get myself all worked up about it, i end up trying to go hundreds of times before i leave the house, and my stomach ends up in a tight knot and i end up getting a stress-related dodgy tummy anyway, so its a bit of a vicious circle! :mad:

ok, so anyway, i'm very embarassed now so i'm going to press the button before i decide to delete all this! :blush: :blush: :blush:

18-09-07, 10:36
Well that brightened my morning hun cos I am pretty similiar actually.

I much prefer to have gone to the loo for a no.2 before I go out as I feel much much happier (and a lot lighter)!!!

I loathe public loos but really do have to use them especially when I'm nervous, cos then I am just gonna poo for Britain and I cannot be stopped.:ohmy:

So if you ever see a woman gagging over the smell of public loos (can tolerate my own thank you but not others) trying to poo without sitting down, then having achieved this wonderous act get out of the cubicle without touching the handle of anything, or wrapping loo roll round hand to open the door, all the while shouting to her daughters to check they haven't gone anywhere - then hey that's me!!:yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

18-09-07, 11:03

i have a huge fear of public toilets fullstop. I hover or cover seat in paper and have been know to open/close doors with feet and elbows :blush:
My fear of 'going' in other places has led to terrible problems with constipation etc.
You are not alone. Cor blimey dont we admit to somethings on here.

love anx xx

18-09-07, 11:11
well that deffo brightened my day i not has bad has that but i only go to my own toilet for both unless desperate for a wee i have had to try overcome this due to my work being in numerous of places.but under no circumstances do i go anywhere than my own toilet( and when on my own ) for the other

18-09-07, 12:22
I can definitely empathise with this one although I have a physical problem too and for me it is a problem with going for a wee and is exacerbated when I am out and using the toilet out or at other people's houses.

There are some good toilet wipes and other things you can get these days that might lessen anxiety if hygiene is the problem. I find that helps. Also if public loos are more of a problem perhaps do some research to check where they are before you go out to start with and perhaps that will lessen anxiety.

As you start to go out more, even to friend is can become less of a problem. Perhaps start by going out for a short time and see how you cope.

Hope this helps a bit.

Distraction helps and if your mind is not on what might or might not happen the worry gradually gets less.


18-09-07, 12:37
I am a bit similar, but not quite:wacko:

I am a very 'regular' person and can almost time things:blush: However, this 'time' coincides with the time I go to my therapy group! There is no way on this earth that I would ask to use the loo there, particularly as it is adjoined to the room that we use! However....when someone is needing to 'go' there are sometimes little tell tale signs....little bits of flatulance!:blush: Soooooooo, what I do is get the kids up and ready for school, if hubby can take them it is fine but if not...I rush back to the house for no2, then rush to get to my appt all so that I don't have rude little pops of wind!
In my case, in order to 'encourage' it, I drink a couple of glasses of warm water or cups of tea (but the tea makes me need to wee so makes appt uncomfortable!) Whilst cold would work, it would take longer. It has to be warm as if it is cold, the blood moves way from your digestion system to process the cold liquid, thus taking the blood and action away from the bowel. If it is warm, it gets into your sytem quicker.

I love this place! Where else would we share these stories!


18-09-07, 16:15
Just thought I would add to this thread too. I dont really have any worries about this - we are all human afterall and a body function is a body function, I have IBS so cant really control too much when I have to go.

Anyway my bit of advise is first thing in the morning maybe try getting into a routine with a warm glass of water with a squeeze of lime. Normally gets things moving :winks: .

As we say, where else can we discuss stuff like this lol.

Take care everyone

Luv Darkangel x:flowers:

18-09-07, 18:12
thanks guys, you don't know how relieved i am to have some replies - i was a bit worried that no-one would answer, and that would convince me even more that nobody else poos :whistles:

thanks for the suggestions, i havent heard about warm water before, i do usually have tea in the morning, but i think the caffeine probably makes me feel more anxious and makes the problem worse so i'm gonna stop that. you're right about research karen, just knowing there is an acceptable loo around helps so much - thank god for John Lewis is all i can say!

darkangel, i think you definitely have the right idea about a body function being a body function, honestly i wish i didnt get so worried about normal stuff like this. rather bizarrely, i used to work with someone who not only was quite comfortable with going no 2's in the work toilets, she was also quite happy to carry on a conversation through the cubicle wall with anyone who happened to be there at the same time!:ohmy: i've got to admit that was maybe taking things a little too far, but i did kind of envy her comfortableness with her bodily functions!

some of the replies really made me laugh and did make me feel better. i didnt know there were so many 'hoverers' and 'elbow openers' around!

18-09-07, 18:32
I have a theory that public toilets must be the cleanest, cause no one ever goes on them

19-09-07, 08:24
ya know its nice to know i am not the only one who worries about things like this. if i have to go out i always plan ahead thinking where the loo's will be so i know where i can run to if needed. atm i am afraid i go so far as not eating the day before i go out so there is no risk of me needing the loo

20-09-07, 09:29
seuria, its such a pain isnt it. I do watch what i eat the day before, which i feel is probably not a good idea as it is all just anxiety-related behaviour. I spent 3 days at reading festival one year getting by on a biscuit a day cos there was absolutely no way in a million years i could have used the loo there.

samkirman, i am a bit intrigued by your answer. if you work away from home a lot, but dont ever use public toilets, what on earth do you do? are you just able to hold on all day? :ohmy: wow, i would love to have that skill! :wacko:

20-09-07, 19:26
When you need to visit a public loo there is invariably a line of women
waiting, you smile politely and take your place in the line, it finally
gets to your turn, you check for feet under the cubicle doors. Every cubicle is occupied.....
But eventually a door opens and you dash in, nearly knocking down the woman leaving the cubicle. You get in to find the door won't lock. It doesn't
matter, the wait Has been so long and you are about to wet your pants! The
dispenser for The modern 'seat covers' is handy, but empty. You would hang
your bag on the door hook if there was one, but there isn't - so you
carefully, but quickly drape it around your neck, yank down your pants and
assume 'the position.' In this position your ageing, toneless thigh muscles
begin to shake. You would love to sit down, but you certainly hadn't taken
time to wipe the seat or lay toilet paper on it, so you hold 'the position.'
To take your mind off your trembling thighs for a moment you reach for the
toilet paper dispenser and your worst nightmare it's empty, the toilet roll
dispenser is empty. You 'hover' looking around in the hope there's a new
roll behind you - no such luck. Your thighs start to shake more. Then you
remember the tiny tissue that you blew your nose on yesterday - the one
that's still in your handbag, which is now burning your neck & shoulders
with the weight. So you contort your arm into a very unnatural position
and start to fumble around in the deep dark depths of your handbag for that
small crumpled 'used' tissue no bigger than your thumbnail. Someone pushes
your door cubicle door and because the latch doesn't work the door hits
your head, which is bent forward from you holding your Bag around your neck
while you are rummaging for that 'used' tissue, the door takes you by surprise
and you start to lose your balance and topple backwards. 'Occupied!' you
scream, as you reach to push the door shut and drop the precious, tiny,
crumpled tissue you had only just managed to retrieve with your index
finger into an 'unknown' puddle on the floor. If that isn't enough you lose your
balance altogether and gravity pulls you down....... Down...... directly
onto the TOILET SEAT. Yes it's wet, you bolt up, knowing all too well that
it's too late. Your thighs and bottom have made contact with every
imaginable germ & life form that lives on the uncovered seat. By this time,
the automatic sensor on the back of the toilet is so confused that it
flushes, propelling a stream of cold water like a fire hose into the bowl
which causes a spray of fine mist that completely covers your bum and runs
downs your legs along with all the various life forms and down into your
dishevelled pants which have now dropped to your ankles with your hems
soaking up that puddle from the floor. The flush seems to suck everything
down with such force that you grab onto the empty toilet paper dispenser
for fear of being dragged in too. At this point you give up. You're soaked by
the spewing water and the wet toilet seat. You're exhausted. You try to
wipe your self with a piece of gum wrapper you found in your pocket and
then slink out inconspicuously to the sinks. You cannot figure out how to

operate the faucet, so run your hands underneath it grateful for the two drops of water
there and around the basin itself. You go to the towel dispenser past the
line of women still waiting, where of course there are no paper towels so
you move onto the hand blower, which yes you've guessed it that doesn't
work either! You're no longer able to smile politely to the women, but there's
an unspoken understanding between you all. A kind soul at the very end of the line of women points out that you have a piece of toilet paper trailing
from your shoe. Where was that when you NEEDED IT??? You yank the paper from your shoe, plonk it in the woman's hand and tell her warmly, 'Here, you
just might need this.'
As you exit you spot your hubby, who has long since entered, used and left
the men's. Annoyed, he asks, 'What took you so long, and why is your
handbag hanging around your neck?'

This is dedicated to women everywhere who deal with public loos. It also
helps explain to the men why it really does take us women so long and it
also answers that commonly asked question - Why do women always go to the loos in pairs?
It's so your friend can hold the door, hang onto your bag and pass you
tissue under the door!

20-09-07, 21:38
Lol - so true, so true!!!

Piglet :flowers:

20-09-07, 21:47
Woah, the dreaded
'i must have a poo in this very strange place even though I'm trying not to' syndrome !!!!

So, it was you Piglet PinkyPringleChops in the next cubicle then? I was the person in the next one with my head wedged against the door cuz the lock was broken and i was trying not to sit on the seat!

Have you ever considered the logistics of such a procedure? Scientifically speaking, it's nothing short of a miracle that the product of our efforts actually gets in the recepticle we're aiming for don't you think?:shrug:

Sorry Strawberrie - have totally trashed your thread, but I think we all can sympathise with you love!:hugs:so you're definitley not alone!

Let's just remember that when we gotta go - we gotta go......even the Queen and the Pope gotta too !!! :ohmy::blush:

Take care


20-09-07, 22:43
nope but i only go when seconds away from weeing myself lol and the other i make time to go home

20-09-07, 22:57
ok I have a problem at work with the loos!

I have claustrophibia and can't stand the thought of being locked in so I rarely lock the door.

They are completely shut in so no climbing over the top !

There is only me and one other woman at work at the moment so I judge when she will go or not and then I go so I don't have to lock the door and I take my mobile lol in case I get stuck in!

When we move offices this will be more difficult and still loos with no way out or windows so I will hate it!

I don't lock the door just close it and put bag against it lol

Then I worry if it smells cos she will know it is me :ohmy: :blush:

So you are not alone!

20-09-07, 23:28
but isn't it worse when someone has gone '2's before you and you're desperate for a wee....

........so you go in regardless........and just as you come out someone else comes in and thinks it's you that has left the smell??

I ususally snigger and shake my head hysterically and say "it wasn't me, :emot-poke:haha, it wasn't me".....which always makes it sound as if it was !!:w00t2::glare:

What are we like eh??:shades:


21-09-07, 10:21
Scientifically speaking, it's nothing short of a miracle that the product of our efforts actually gets in the recepticle we're aiming for don't you think?:shrug:

Who's says I do get it in!!!! :ohmy:

I too can't stand cubicles with no gap between the bottom of the door or the top and neither do I like rooms of anysorts without windows!!!!

GG- I soooooo laughed at the just having a wee when someones had a poo and saying it wasn't me!!! This sort of thing happens to me all the time on every level - I always get people saying ''Ahh it's for a friend is it" :blush: :blush: :blush: :winks: :shades:

Love Piglet :flowers:

21-09-07, 13:35
Last time I used the Public Loo, it had been redecorated !! :ohmy: xx


21-09-07, 13:43
maybe that was a bit tastless, so I've polished up my act,:shades: xx


24-09-07, 09:18
ooooooh, ive had a good laugh at these answers! omg dave you have soooo got it right - the bit about the 'unknown' puddle, ugh!!! positioning your feet so you're not touching it makes hovering so much more difficult! it's got to be wee hasnt it? what else could it be? :shrug: perhaps piglet can enlighten us, after all shes admitted to missing the recepticle :wacko:

ive had so many embarassing toilet incidents, not least the one where i took my daughter in the cubicle with me so she didnt get kidnapped, and then she proceeded to give a running commentary on exactly what i was doing in a very loud voice to the rest of the people in there! :ohmy: And then having thought 'well, at least i'm anonymous here' i came out the cubicle to bump into someone i knew! no wonder i have a problem!

well, thanks for the replies, i dont think i'm going to get over my 'problem' but at least ive had a laugh :D

24-09-07, 12:36
what else could it be? :shrug: perhaps piglet can enlighten us, after all shes admitted to missing the recepticle :wacko:

I had to laugh at you taking your daughter in the loo - I used to do this with all 3 of my daughters. My 21 year old has aksed if we can stop doing now!!:lac:

I'm seriously wondering if to just let it all go - yes all my standards and hygiene and just wee and poo with great aplomb and abandonment wherever and whenever I fancy, like that woman in Little Britain does, just weeing mid conversation in the corner shop!!! Cool!!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

24-09-07, 23:17
Ooooh boy,

now you two have started the ball rolling I feel it's ok to share this little nugget with you......:shades:

GG and nearly 3 yr old grandson (who's very street-wise I might add!:ninja:) in ladies public toilets just over a week ago........:huh:

grandson: No, nanny stand up!
GG: Ladies sit down darlin'
grandson: Where's your willy nanny?
GG: Ssssh! darlin' !
grandson: Daddy's got a big willy
GG: That's nice dear....sssssh!
grandson: no wash my hands nanny, not touched my willy!

:ohmy:GG very nearly crumpled in an embarrassed heap on the floor, but avoided this by leaning against the wall and breathing deeply - which was quite unpleasant as there was someone doing a poo in another cubicle......sure it was Piglet!:mad::blush:!

Kids eh? Littel darlings one minute - destroyers of one's countenance the next lol !!:w00t2:

Happy Daze!



25-09-07, 10:13
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

that made my morning

anx xx

25-09-07, 12:18
which was quite unpleasant as there was someone doing a poo in another cubicle......sure it was Piglet!:mad::blush:!

Sorry bout that darling but I'd had humus and it does it everytime!! :blush: :yesyes:

On the subject of embarassing kids I remember my eldest asking me very loudly in the middle of Iceland "Mummy whats a transexual" and the whole store turning to see just how 'Mummy' would answer this!!!!:blush:

I stuck my head as far into the deep chest freezer as is poss without falling right in and from the depths rummaged around and surfaced waving a bag around and said "Now children who would like some (puzzled expression) chestnut frozen stuffing for tea" and then promptly marched us all up to the till.

Who the hell eats chestnut stuffing it stinks and if memory serves me right it's still at the back of the freezer like the old fish finger that's been behind the cooker since 1989 and my 21yr old still doesn't know the meaning of the word transexual.

Piglet :flowers:

25-09-07, 13:54
ha ha ha, i love these stories! maybe we should all be more open about these things like kids are. A friend's daughter once greeted me in the playground with 'i'm wearing big girls pants today and i havent got any poo in them yet' :ohmy: , if only us adults could be so proud of such an achievement!

I'm thinking about starting up a group for anyone who (like me) needs to get over their fear and become more open about these natural bodily functions - how about the 'professional league of public poo-ers', or PLOPP for short! :w00t2:

25-09-07, 14:15
'i'm wearing big girls pants today and i havent got any poo in them yet' :ohmy: , if only us adults could be so proud of such an achievement!

Hey speak for yourself - I'm always incredibly proud of this particular achievement!!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

25-09-07, 19:18
Hey, some great stories coming out here lol:D

I like the "big girls pants", reminds me of Bridget Jones big knickers.

I'll never be able to look another transexual in the eye without thinking of chestnut stuffing... hehe:blush:

25-09-07, 20:47
Strawberrie I just luuuuv it - PLOPP! Brilliant idea!

So, that makes us all PLOPPs then??!!

My dear PigletPringleChops, guess who I'll be thinking of when I stuff the GG family's Christmas turkey this year :ohmy:!!

Dave me darlin', if you're up for joining us I think we'd better make you an 'Honorary Dame'.........

Now girlies.....does our Dave's bum look big in this? Bearing in mind he's probably wearing his BJ's underneath it !!


( luvs ya really Dave!) XXX:madness:XXX


25-09-07, 21:21
haha, I quite like the idea of being a Dame, G'Day Possums ! :yesyes: xx


25-09-07, 23:03
I sometimes look like Dame Edna when I try specially hard!!

Piglet :flowers:

26-09-07, 04:53
With that in mind Piglet my lovely, these Gladioli are for you ! lolx:lisa:


26-09-07, 09:24
this is absolutely true, but as a young girl, i had a great uncle who absolutely couldnt stand dame edna.
And the reason why? She always came across as a 'bit manly' :ohmy:

even as a child i remember being shocked that he just didnt get it, and i hadnt even had the 'talk' with piglet in iceland! :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

26-09-07, 09:44
Oh Mag and Dave that did make me laugh!! :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

28-09-07, 10:40

Yep I know this feeling well! But don't suffer so badly as you do. Sometimes I am amazed at how bold people are! Try carrying some baby wipes and perfume or something - keep things minty fresh and it's maybe not as embarrassing when you leave the cubicle!

I was accosted by toilet security in a service station recently - didn't want to wait for the queue to go down, so I went to the Gents instead :winks: It's very funny watching all the worried faces, as they think they went into the wrong side!

I hope things improve for you soon - you are right, it's just a bodily function that everyone does! Nothing to be embarrassed about xxx

28-09-07, 22:48
What an excellent post. Never mind the tmi its LOL too.

This is so much like me. I used to get so stressed that it made travelling extremely difficult. I could go for about 30 mins in a car with no problem. But travelling further would make me sick. So car sickness with no logic.

But the sickness was nausea and (the dreaded) No.2! I saw my GP who said its quite common and she could give me immodium on prescription for those days. Then I would learn to travel without anxiety because I would learn that nothing could happen when I had taken the pills. I am getting much better. I stayed in a caravan in a campsite in the middle of nowhere. I went on a school trip and spent days out walking with the children, without using rescue remedy or immodium.

Of course, there's still the issue of hovering, opening the toilet door with paper towel (in case someone else didnt wash their hands), or elbows..... Its so good to know I'm amongst friends!

28-09-07, 23:19
This reminded me of an email I received. I've now posted in humour. Its worth a read for us.


01-10-07, 09:15
thanks swan and insomniac, its good to know i'm not alone! sounds like you might want to join the PLOPP gang too!

i really dont want to go down the immodium route cos i dont actually have any physical problem, and i think it would probably mess up my stomach even more. I'm also scared that if i took it i would probably end up a few days later having an 'immodium has just worked its way out of my system' explosion or something in the middle of a day out somewhere :ohmy: .

i'm feeling really stressed about this today, as i'm just about to go on a day out with a friend, but not with a close friend who i could say something to, and i'll be a very long way from home with no 'poo escape plan'. i'm getting tummy pains just at the thought of it :mad: Wish me luck!

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :shades: :weep: :mad: mag

02-10-07, 10:51
Hey Strawberrie :)

I hope your day out went ok? I'd probably agree that Imodium isn't the best option - it's quite a strong drug that is best not to use 'just in case' (obviously those of you who find it helpful and have been advised to use it by your GP, carry on!)

Do you think you have IBS? People with IBS generally need to poo more often, and there are dietary changes you can make to help things. A lot of people use Linseed (flax seed) or just Flax seed oil. Millet is also supposed to be good, although it's a bit yucky :blush:

Colofac (Mebeverine) is an Over-The-Counter medicine which is apparently really good. I use Pepto Bismol a lot, which just helps my tummy to feel better :yesyes:

How did you get on yesterday?


02-10-07, 13:06
Gosh did you a good long reply yesterday and weirdly I don't see it here now - must be gremlins on the site!!

Hope you had a lovely day hun.

Piglet :flowers:

03-10-07, 09:44
thanks guys, well my day out to that well known swedish emporium of fabulousness did not go as planned, due to the fact that we got stuck in traffic about 10 miles from home and didnt move for the next 2 hours! :mad: so we didnt even get there and all that time i spent worrying about it was wasted anyway!

Thanks for the IBS advice Swan, but i know its not ibs, cos it is completely psychological. I actually have a pretty well-behaved tummy in general, its just that when i start worrying about the whole issue its like my stomach tightens up, so even if i normally would be able to go i cant, and then as soon as i get out the house, it relaxes again and then i do need to go! :mad: it's so frustrating.

oh dear, this thread seems to be turning into my poo blog, dont worry i wont do a daily post with details of my bowel movements :shades: :blush: but thanks for all the advice, i really appreciate being able to talk about this kind of stuff here :hugs:

:flowers: mag

03-10-07, 10:37
Oh how flipping irritating - I've got the latest Ikea book and I know if I'm raring to go and spend money I get most angry not to be able to do so!!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

03-10-07, 16:33
Aaw, sorry your day went a bit a*s-up Mag !! :ohmy:

(sorry for the pun - well I'm not actually, after all this is a 'poo blog' lol !)

I think it's a very good idea to be able to discuss the intricacies of our plumbing bits - very liberating!

Sometimes too liberating for GG :huh:.... but I found just the thing to go with my tenna-ladies:tongue:!!!.....:noangel:





04-10-07, 01:09
I can add some experiences to your poo blog!

I think my problem started when I was a kid. I used to be afraid of sitting on the loo because of germs but also because I was afraid of falling in! I also used to hold my shirt up as I was going and I can remember my mother saying at the time it won't go on it!.....so I Must have been young for her to be present!

The problem continued into school, holding on until I got home. Once I remember being on holiday and having to use the loos in a bus station. A tramp grabbed me by the ankle from the next cubicle. Boy, that made me want to "go" quick!

When things got worse at work I used to eat lots of fruit the night before to try and make sure I went before I got to work. The problem was although it worked I was so anxious by the time I got to work I had to go again!

I started being moaned at saying that I was late starting work because I went straight in the loo! I was so long in the loo because I was covering the seat with paper, putting some in the pan to stop any splashes!...then blocking the loo up and flushing until it cleared!!! Great way to start work!

When we had to go on journeys to meetings they always knew I'd have to stop halfway. It was a running joke with them!

I don't eat so much fruit these days and I manage to go ok but I won't drink when I know I'm going out! Once I'm out I don't think about needing a loo which stops me wanting a loo and just concentrate on what I need to do. On the odd occasion my tummy feels funny I take an immodium just in case but it's been years since I got caught short with no.2's!

I took the dog out the other day and went up a path by a field. Someone had dumped a ceramic white loo upright with a seat! I've heard of portaloos but that was ridiculus! :D

04-10-07, 10:06
lol gg, i am a bit disturbed by the idea of needing to protect my underwear from flatulence! just how much damage can a bit of wind cause i wonder? :ohmy: :shrug:

bill, thanks for adding to this poo blog! having a tramp grab your ankle while you're on the loo must be the best cure for constipation ever! - it sounds horrendous :wacko: . just the thought of having to use the loo at a bus station where i can imagine the hygiene is not quite up to scratch is enough to bring me out in a cold sweat - i think you are very brave :D


04-10-07, 10:34
btw, have you heard about the high-tech japanese toilets that not only clean the seat, they also deodorise and play sounds while you 'go' so as to stop any embarassment? :cloud9:

i was soooo envious of the japanese having the answer to all my prayers, that was until i saw this :eek: :ohmy: :blush: :shades:



05-10-07, 00:10
Hello strawberrie,
I wasn't brave at all....just Desperate! :blush: I was young at the time on holiday with my parents. It was the only place I could go! You're right though about it being a cure for constipation!...I can't repeat what I shouted but I shot out of there like a bat out of hell. Took me ages to stop shaking!

Speaking of loos....when I visited my brother in Pensylvania, USA a number of years back, I got caught short again just after leaving a ranch. He pulled over at some sort of bar. When I went in the gents there was just half a screen between the urinals and ONE loo so anyone who came in to ermm..wee, could see you on the loo! Talk about :blush: :blush: :blush: and I Did get some funny looks!!! Hate to think what the ladies was like!!!! I imagine our American friends may have come across a few of these places. I wonder if they still have them???:shrug:

06-10-07, 20:39
Hiya Strawberrie, and all the other PLOPPs !!

Welcome to new member, Bill !!

Sooooo glad I'm not Japanese lol !!:yesyes:

Is there a minimum age limit for membership ??:shrug:

Picture the scene:

GG and grandson (3yrs) are helping Granfer pick some late blackberries on the fields at the bottom of the street last evening before tea.

Warm, balmy Indian Summer evening.....insects buzzing, lazy bees laden with pollen droning on their way home to the hive, a dog barking in the distance......

"Naaaaaany, I want a poo!"

"OK, hang on til we get home...it's only up the r...:ohmy:...ah... ok, behind that bush will do!"

"But I want the toilet!":mad:

"It's an emergency, little people are allowed to do it behind a bush in an emergency!"

Bush is prickly, and poo is very imminent, so decide to do it in the long grass......:shades:

GG nearly slips a disc as she holds poo-laden grandson over the long grass...."Naaaaany, it's prickly...."

Ah, quick decision to re-locate 3 feet to the left......poo makes an appearance.....tiny bottom is duly wiped with a handful of doc-leaves....hm, pity they weren't double quilted !! :wacko:

Re-location wasn't such a wise decision - 3 feet to the left was slap bang in middle of slightly overgrown footpath ! Poo needs to be removed and placed in the hedge to decompose at leisure. (Note to self: never, ever leave the house again with grandson and no double-quilted toilet roll):shades:

The following morning: time 6.00am place: GG's upstairs (unfinished!) bathroom:


yawn, "Yes darlin'?"

"WHAT'S POO MADE FROM?" :ohmy::emot-eek::ohmy::emot-eek::ohmy::emot-eek:




08-10-07, 09:50
hi fellow PLOPPs!

bill, it just gets worse doesnt it - a public toilet that actually is PUBLIC???? :WTF: honestly, what's wrong with people, to think that's acceptable as a public convenience?????? :mad: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug: would be pretty suitable for exposure therapy though, my guess is if you can 'go' there, you could pretty much 'go' anywhere!

granny, i love the suspense you added to your story, by setting the scene so beautifully, i felt like i was almost there sharing the whole experience with you :wacko: shame i wasnt really cos i ALWAYS have tissues/loo roll, and a spare pair of pants in my bag (not for me i might add lol :madness: ) for these sorts of ocassions :shades: