View Full Version : I can't believe I'm back.

14-07-19, 00:39
It's been a long time since I've posted on here.

Honestly, I thought I was done with this. A lot has been happening in my life and I think the stress of it has sent me over the edge this past week. Last year, my mam was diagnosed with Leukaemia, and she's currently in remission right now and has been for almost a year. Everything is going really well with her treatment and all is good there. This past few weeks, we discovered that my grandad who had previously been diagnosed with dementia (he's 87) has actually got a brain tumour and has 1-3 months to live.

My mam has been experiencing rectal bleeding and is being sent for a colonoscopy. The doctor thinks it's piles, but because of her age, it's best to get everything screened. So, of course, my brain immediately jumps to bowel cancer even though it's not remotely likely. I've calmed down on that a bit now and convinced myself that it's fine.

My dad has had a swollen knee for the past few weeks (he's always had issues with his knee though) and is finding it tough to straighten out his leg. So, he seems to be scuffing the floor a little bit when he walks. Not often, from what I can tell, but a little bit. What did my mind jump to? ALS. I know it is absolutely bonkers. There's very little chance that it is that and far more likely causes. And it's likely that the knee injury (which he's getting checked out next week) is causing the walking issues. I've tried to walk without bending my leg properly and have the same issue.

No matter how I try to rationalise my fears, I still have them. I know in the UK only 1 in 100,000 will be diagnosed with ALS, and that he only bears 1 slight similarity in symptoms (and that is clearly caused by a knee injury) but I'm feeling really protective and scared over my family at the moment. I feel like so much crap has happened and is happening to us, that why won't more rain down on us?

I know I've improved a lot over the past few years. I'm a lot more able to think straight and clearly, I can rationalise it and even tell myself how silly I am being, but sometimes, it's just tough. There's just moments where the anxiety hits and I feel my body going cold and feeling sick. I feel like I've transferred my health anxiety towards myself and projected it onto the people I love. Oh, how silly I am.

14-07-19, 01:13
Oh hun! You've had so much happen over the last few years, it's understandable you would get overwhelmed. So, not silly at all! It sounds like you've done alot of work with your mental health and this is jump a bump! You can get onto a good path again.

I'm sorry to hear about your granddad and I'm sending all the positive thoughts that your Mum will get the all clear!

Oh, My Dad has bad knee issues- one time he had swelling in his knee and it was hard for him to move. It turned out he had fluid in his knee and that wouldn't let him bend it fully!

Sorry if I don't have alot of good words for you- I just couldn't not read this and not reply :bighug1:

14-07-19, 01:34
Oh hun! You've had so much happen over the last few years, it's understandable you would get overwhelmed. So, not silly at all! It sounds like you've done alot of work with your mental health and this is jump a bump! You can get onto a good path again.

I'm sorry to hear about your granddad and I'm sending all the positive thoughts that your Mum will get the all clear!

Oh, My Dad has bad knee issues- one time he had swelling in his knee and it was hard for him to move. It turned out he had fluid in his knee and that wouldn't let him bend it fully!

Sorry if I don't have alot of good words for you- I just couldn't not read this and not reply :bighug1:

Thank you so much for your reply and kind words.

I think it's just everything is hitting home, I guess. I thought I was coping really well with everything but something has to give, I suppose. My dad has had knee issues for years. So much so that it's now a family joke. So I don't even know why my brain thought ALS. He has pain and swelling in his knee that is making him feel like he's scuffing his foot sometimes when he's walking, but he can walk perfectly fine, just with added pain. I mean, I guess, if you can't straighten your leg that well or bend it fully, then walking is always going to prove a little odd.

I've been bouncing from issue to issue this week. First with my mam, then with my dog and now with my dad. No doubt it will go full-circle come Monday when she gets her test done. I know that the chances are good that she doesn't have anything serious. She's had rectal bleeding in the past, and it was piles, so I've every reason to believe that that is what it is. But as it is with anxiety, I always question if it's something simple like piles, why has the doctor sent her for the colonoscopy? A part of me is grateful that they're being thorough and I know she was due her screening anyway (so that may be why they've done it to just clear it all off straight away) and it's probably just for my mam's peace of mind, more than anything else.