View Full Version : Wife's tonsil stones and bleeding tonsil

14-07-19, 05:07
My wife is amazing, she is always there for me, always supportive. But sometimes she really needs a guy in her life who isn't anxiety ridden. I try to be that, so I come here to vent to you.

She has, her entire life, gotten tonsil stones. It is nothing new, and earlier she removed one and said "it was the biggest one by far she had ever removed, and that her whole left tonsil was way larger than her right. And you wanna hear something really gross? As soon as I touched it with the sterile q tip thingie, is bled and bled. So gross!"

To her, an inconvenience, but to me, innocently enough, I went to google thinking of looking not for something sinister, but solutions for tonstil stones.

Naturally, it didn't work out that way at all. Now I am pretty freaked out.

She is going to go in if it gets worse or rather doesn't get better, and logical me knows it is likely an infection based on the stone, but then a part of me cannot unsee the google response.


Hating my brain.

Thanks for the vent.

14-07-19, 06:54
It’s good you can vent here. As long as you can put it to bed here too.

I do understand, I become super alert at the sign of anything wrong with my daughter or partner.

But yes, tonsil stones sound disgusting. But if she’s not worried then you needn’t be.

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14-07-19, 14:43
Yes, I mean, I guess I am slightly worried if I am honest, but I have loads of tools I have gleaned from counseling and CBT as well as just life experience after years with anxiety. I guess the real lesson for me is not to Google, no matter how innocent the motivation, or honestly, how benign the problem.

Venting here does help, and is just another tool. It was really a laugh for me this morning, at the difference between a healthy mind (hers) and an anxious mind (mine) viewing the same issue.

14-07-19, 14:54
My wife gets them too and yes, a particularly large one will cause bleeding when removed. And they're quite foul smelling too! I know she's got one if you know what I mean ;)

Positive thoughts

14-07-19, 16:05
I had never even heard about them until my wife told me about them. Gross things, but she is a trooper. Glad it's not something I have had to deal with, honestly. ;-)

14-07-19, 16:13
I had never even heard about them until my wife told me about them. Gross things, but she is a trooper. Glad it's not something I have had to deal with, honestly. ;-)

I used to get them occasionally and yes, they're nasty, but I had both my palatine and lingual tonsils removed due to my cancer treatment. I was cured of cancer and as a bonus, I no longer snore ;) (my wife on the other hand? :doh: )

Positive thoughts

14-07-19, 20:31
Ha, always the upshot. Tonsils gone and free cancer treatment thrown in. Glad there is a silver lining. =)

14-07-19, 21:51
My boyfriend once had a tonsil stone it was around half the size of kiwi :scared15:. He end up having some blood in his mouth for a good few days afterwards, while I was very, very on edge about it. He laughed and just said it was a good thing I don't have a senses :blush:. Long before I had HA, I would get super worked up about my family and friends health and all of them would just shrug it off!

15-07-19, 04:53
Wow, that is massive! Yeah, it would be amazing to share the lack of concern my wife seems to have for her own health issues. But I will say this, when I was hit with a pretty serious diagnosis, it rattled her. I saw a lot of HA things going on with her then, they are gone now, but she was riddled with it for a time. I don't think anyone is immune, I just think some people are more predisposed to it.