View Full Version : Petechaie

14-07-19, 22:44
Please can I ask whether you feel my logic is sound? I am trying to work on logical arguments rather than disappear down a rabbit hole and thought i would sanity check my thought process...

A month or so ago i had a doc check some petechaie on my arm. He sent me for blood tests which came back normal.

I have just found some more on a different arm.

I am thinking if the bloods came back ok a month ago there isnt any need to worry now as it is so soon.

I also tend to lift my little lad with this arm and it could be just the liftng?

Does this seem sound or am i mistaken with anything in your opinions?

Thank you in advance

14-07-19, 23:05
Just out of pure interest. Are any of you on sertraline? If so do you experience these? I read somewhere that antidepressants can cause them.

14-07-19, 23:05
We have loads of posts about this just do a search

14-07-19, 23:14
If you lift your "lad" often (sorry I'm not English :) ), I would assume it is probably just because you are carrying him quite a bit. If he rubs up against that arm, it probably could cause that.

14-07-19, 23:18
I started reading them however they do seem to spiral towards leukemia worries rather than working out logical thought processes. Im not saying there isnt loads of good advice it is just i end up with more anxiety after reading them threads. Similar feeling to when i read webmd. Im trying to fix my thought process rather than look up symptoms if that makes sense?

14-07-19, 23:23
If you lift your "lad" often (sorry I'm not English :) ), I would assume it is probably just because you are carrying him quite a bit. If he rubs up against that arm, it probably could cause that.

Ha ha sorry i do forget how bad British peoples English is sometimes. Lad meaning boy. If it is any consolation my family live 300 miles away and i cant understand their slang either.

That is one of my thoughts. Strange how HA makes you consider the unlikely but ignore the obvious.

I cant wait to beat HA. I have had enough of it now.

Thanks for your sanity.

14-07-19, 23:43
Ha ha sorry i do forget how bad British peoples English is sometimes. Lad meaning boy. If it is any consolation my family live 300 miles away and i cant understand their slang either.

That is one of my thoughts. Strange how HA makes you consider the unlikely but ignore the obvious.

I cant wait to beat HA. I have had enough of it now.

Thanks for your sanity.
You had the same exact mentality as me when I first began this journey with health anxiety. I've had enough. I know the feeling.
Glad I could be of help :)

17-07-19, 06:36
I randomly woke up with it on my shins one day, my dr. wasn’t concerned at all. I of course feared leukemia after Googling. He didn’t even bat an eye or order any bloodwork. I’ve had them a few times since over the years and I’m still alive 😬

16-08-19, 11:16
Somewhat old thread but for anyone with a similar fear who stumbles on this, I literally get petechiae (definitely petechiae as a Doctor has looked and diagnosed it as such) quite often. The first couple of times I rushed to the doctor and got blood tests which showed nothing was wrong. Now I don’t worry about them.