View Full Version : Can’t stop worrying about lymphoma & breast cancer

15-07-19, 00:04
Hello all,
This past week has been a terrible time for my health anxiety. About 10 days ago I began feeling burning pain in my breast, and after it worsened I went to have it looked at.

The doctor I saw believed the issue was a yeast infection spreading from a rash in my armpit to my breast. This would probably make sense to someone without health anxiety...

But to me all I can hear is “armpit” and “breast” and I can’t stop dwelling on it. The doctor is sending me for an ultrasound (which I am having in the morning) which she specified was more for my own reassurance than anything else. Even so, the ultrasound terrifies me too.

In the past two days my anxiety has ramped up worse than it’s ever been, because my lymph nodes are swelling on my collarbone and neck. The swelling is on the opposite side from the painful breast, but regardless I’m still so convinced I have breast cancer or lymphoma. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, and I can’t stop crying. The swelling has gotten worse, but of course I’ve been mashing on it for 2 days, so that could easily be my own fault.

I have the breast ultrasound tomorrow, an appt with my doctor for the lymph nodes later this week, and a therapist appointment next week. In the meantime I’m really just in need of some help calming down, and a place to vent about it all.

Thanks for reading

16-07-19, 03:14
Just want to update in case anyone else is having similar symptoms and worried like I was: after an ultrasound and mammogram the result was benign breast cysts. The radiologist said nothing to worry about at all & she doesn’t even think a follow up is necessary.

Still haven’t had the neck lumps looked at but I’m much less concerned now knowing this. Of course my anxiety was just getting the better of me. I hope maybe this info can help someone else