View Full Version : Difference between a hangover and withdrawal - would I know?

15-07-19, 18:46
The other day my friend was really hungover after a night out and had symptoms like nausea and vomiting, a bad head (she doesn't drink enough water), generally feeling weak and shaky and having anxiety too she started googling withdrawal from alcohol and fretting the bad hangover could actually be this. My first reaction was don't be ridiculous, we both drink around the same - maybe three to four times a week and are probs whats classed as binge drinkers - so we don't drink all the time but when we do its often as bit of a session and I recognise this is bad and I should cut down! But I wouldn't have thought this would cause withdrawal...

Fast forward to today when I have a bad hangover e.g. I felt sick this morning and had a bad head until about midday, I also feel really weak and tired, my legs feel heavy and like they won't support me (I haven't fallen or anything) I have palpitations, feel hot, dizzy and my stomach isn't good at all and is sore and feels tight, hangxiety is also rearing its head big time - cue her worries not seeming so silly now to me (lol) and I started googling the difference between a hangover and withdrawal and guess what they sound similar.... I'm now fretting that I'm going to experience DTs if I follow through with detoxing and not drinking for a few weeks (if nothing else, losing some weight would be nice!) and in particular that I'll have a seizure or stroke or heart attack due to the palpitations etc Deep down I still think it sounds ridiculous really but reading the articles its so unclear who gets withdrawal, like for example how often and how much you have to drink.... I'd know if it was withdrawal wouldn't I? I'm starting to feel better e.g. I don't feel sick or have a bad head anymore, I feel calmer but the anxiety and palpitations are still around as are the shaky heavy legs and malaise.... but then the articles aren't clear if you do start to feel better and can still experience DTs etc which a lot of sites are saying happens anywhere from 24hours to 5 to 7 day after the last drink (around midnight last night...) - Not a happy bunny as I do have an issue with dizziness a lot anyway, well a feeling of being off balance, its been there about 2 years and this seems like it could tie in....

15-07-19, 18:52
Simple cause and effect and affirmation that alcohol and anxiety don't mix.

Positive thoughts

16-07-19, 09:48
Hi Louise. I've been through alcohol withdrawal a few times in the past, and believe me, you'd know if it was that. A bad hangover has NOTHING on withdrawal. In fact, if it was withdrawal you wouldn't even be able to write this post. To get withdrawal you need to have basically stayed drunk for more than a day at least. Withdrawal is like you're worst ever hangover multiplied by 1000000. It's the worst thing I've ever experienced.

16-07-19, 20:10
Basically withdrawal is very unlikely even if you've been drinking heavily (but still under 15 units per day) for a period (days/months)

Some people would say 15units is a lot, others would easily drink this in one sitting. Some would drink double this in one sitting.

You cannot get withdrawal from an isolated night of heavy drinking. Period. You may get a hangover straight out of the pits of hell, but NOT withdrawal.

Alcohol withdrawal occurs when PHYSICAL dependence to alcohol has occurred. This is usually when they've been drinking (A LOT) more than 15 units/day for a long time without any breaks.

As you can see, alcohol withdrawal is (in theory) very easy to avoid.

Good luck