View Full Version : Brain tumour panic

18-09-07, 12:28
Hi all
I'm new to this board and have also posted on the Newbie thread so apologies if you have already found me!

How do people cope with worries about brain tumour? I am currently off sick with something that the dr. puts on my sick note as "palpitations" or "dizziness". All started a month ago with a sudden attack of goodness knows what. Hit me out of the blue. All on right-hand side of head....rushing noise in head, numb head on right hand side, feeling of head being full of helium and wanting to disappear. No loss of balance though. Continued to feel horrendously dizzy for the next couple of weeks on and off, sweating, palpitations, sense of unreality. Had two panic attacks that took me to A and E. GP very sympathetic and did loads of tests, stared in eyes etc and said he was sure this was not a brian tumour. Finally got me to ENT to see a lovely consultant. No loss of hearing, no loss of balance, all inconclusive so referred me for "routine" MRI scan. Another 4-6 weeks to wait though for that. Of course I am now terrifying myself that I have a brain tumour. Every new symptom seems to point towards it. For example, I went to bed with a tension but not bad head on Sunday night and woke up on Monday with an awful headache that started in the middle of my head and then moved to left-hand side....similar to migraine. After about 2 hours and 2 co-codamol it did go off, but the rest of the day the remnants of it jiggled around my head and then came back in the evening settling on my right hand side. I felt drowsy and demotivated all day. Felt like nothing was worth it anymore, never going to get well etc. Awful.

The internet is the worst plague for confirming all our worst fears. sometimes I wish I could just ignore it and never consult it again! My son is off to Uni. on Saturday and I am terrified that I may never see him again because of a tumour but I am also terrified that he will not feel happy at Uni. because I look like a dishrag in the house! I should be back at work, managing people and being me.

Help! :wacko:

18-09-07, 13:07
hi igot them symtoms ive been yold its anxiety unreality spaced ot head like cotton wool walking as tho im walking on sponge or air hard explain .my daughters just gon uni and left home she went on sunday to wolverhamton i worry to if she going like it you arent on your own i dont look up symtoms no more my doc says i shouldnt because id have everything going we all understand on here anxiety is a awful thing wen your anxious your mind works over time makes you exhausted thinking wat you got try not worry elaine tc xxxx

18-09-07, 13:21
Hi Hedgebetty

Sorry to hear of you anxiousness, you have the same panic symptoms as when i first started and as you may find have also posted a thread on having a brain tumour, i don't think i have one but like you say Dr google says it could be possible, he's an evil DR.

Anyway i am sure that your son will enjoy Uni, its a great opportunity for him

I hope you can find something to distract your health worries and that you can find yourself getting better

take care

18-09-07, 15:11
Glad to hear that I am not alone in this bizarre situation.
Will look back at other threads.

Do you get the inability to fall asleep? Just as about to go....jump awake with panic...of what...not sure? Fear of dizziness, or not being in control or something. It is horrible. I tried sleeping with the fan on for a while. the white noise is quite soothing.

18-09-07, 15:21
yes i get that normally watch tv or read a book untill my eyes can hardly stay open


18-09-07, 21:43
Glad to hear that I am not alone in this bizarre situation.
Will look back at other threads.

Do you get the inability to fall asleep? Just as about to go....jump awake with panic...of what...not sure? Fear of dizziness, or not being in control or something. It is horrible. I tried sleeping with the fan on for a while. the white noise is quite soothing.

Wow , Done that one. I spent 2 months trying to get to sleep for more than two hours a night. I started to dread night time. Just as I was falling asleep I would jump and wake myself up. On other occasions I would wake up with my heart racing. I then could not sleep because all i could hear was the beat of my heart through my ear. Try Nytol they help. I wish I could of found a Time released nytol as after 4 hours sleep I would wake up and wished I could take another. Decided not to as it was time to take the kids to school in another 2 Hours.

The good news is that it will go back to normal. I was told by a sleep specialist that the body will force you to sleep after a while.

Get yourself in to a routine. You know Bath, Horilicks, book,Bed. Try meditaton. It works.

I have had so many checks and tests now. I don't think that tests are doing my anxiety any good.

Hope this helps.... Nothing bad will happen!!!



18-09-07, 21:53
Hi there

It doesn't sound like a brain tumour to me - just good old fashioned anxiety I am afraid!

It gets us in so many ways.

Are you drinking enough water each day?

18-09-07, 22:23
Though it might seem worrying now,
I assure you you'll be fine and don't have a brain tumor.

The exact thing happened to me except I thought that I was having a heart attack, I was going Dizzy and in a constant state of de-realization, panic attacks, palpitations and not being able to get my breath, I went to A and E and they said i was fine.
I'd trust them.
Just try not to dwell as much on your symptoms i find that if you do it makes it worse.

Hope you feel better soon!

19-09-07, 08:00
Hi, it does sound like anxiety - it makes you feel terrible most of the time unfortunately.
Please try to take some comfort in this: if the doctors were seriously worried you had a brain tumour they would have got you in that MRI machine so fast I doubt you would have had time to put a gown on! Seriously, they do know what symptoms they are looking for and wouldnt leave you 4-6 weeks if they thought there was a serious problem.
I recently had a brain heamorrage/tumour scare, so I know what you're going through and it is tough but you will get there in the end hun.

23-09-07, 19:00
Thanks to everybody who has answered my post. It is really helpful to hear from others. yes, my GP has advised that I see an anxiety counsellor and I am waiting for an appointment. I am just looking forward to getting back to work...bizarre as that sounds!!!

24-09-07, 08:08
Hi HedgeBetty.

Sorry to hear you're going through all of this. It doesn't sound bizarre at all that you want to get back to work. I think most of us here totally understand that feeling.

To echo what everyone else said, it does sound just like anxiety. You obviously have a good GP, which is worth it's weight in gold :)

My Panic disorder started with extreme dizziness on one side of my head. It was an aftermath of an inner ear infection, but I remember thinking it was a brain tumour, spinal tumours, blood pressure....etc etc. Definitely avoid Googling symptoms.....makes things much worse!

Perhaps the reason all this is coming out is your anxiety over your son going to Uni? He's going to have the time of his life, and you will soon feel better about it all.

As for falling asleep - I never had Panic at night (a lot of people do though), but have had trouble falling asleep for years. I always lie awake and think/worry about things. Nowadays I have a relaxation CD which I put on when I go to sleep - I find it really helpful.

'Sleep hygiene' is important too - getting into a good routine, and not doing things before bed which might keep you awake (i.e very hot bath, exercise, food, alcohol etc). I personally find a bit of booze helps no end, but this isn't recommended!!! Don't have a TV in the bedroom either.

All the best - I hope you feel much better soon


24-09-07, 09:57
Yes, I am sure that my son going off to Uni. has contributed to this....leaving him on Sat. was one of the hardest things I have had to do and of course you are right, he will have a great time!! My mum is convinced that now all that stress is out of the way I will miraculously bounce back. I do hope she is right....but there is still that lurking fear that infact there is something physical hampering all this.
I woke up this morning and felt really light-headed and disorientated. I know I have low blood pressure so maybe it is that.
Thanks for advice. And yes, I do have a v.good GP. He has been really helpful.