View Full Version : Am I having side effects from a corticosteroid shot?

17-07-19, 02:43
Hello all,
I suffer from allergic asthma that worsens during the summer. Two days ago I received a Celestone (steroid) shot because of an asthma flare. Ever since then I feel as if I have been falling apart. I can't focus at work and am very on edge. My head is very spacey and I feel as if I am out of it. Also, I had a flushed face that went away (I get this every time I have this shot). Help :(

17-07-19, 08:44
With anxiety it's fairly common for your system to over-react to stimulus, and whereas some people would experience mild side effects from that type of shot, you might experience them to a greater extent AND have an increase in anxiety symptoms as well.

I would just ride it out for a few days and let it pass. You're not 'falling apart'.

17-07-19, 08:48
The flushed face is just an annoying reaction to a steroid injection. It has happened to me too.