View Full Version : Do I have tetanus,cellulitis,blood poisoning HELP

17-07-19, 15:16
Ok so I cut my toe/foot a month ago. It got realy infected was to scared to go to the doctors as I knew they would give me antibiotics (scared of the side affects) anyways a month later and around the cut is still very red. Cut itself is only little now have no puss or anything like that just really red still. Yes I Dr. Googled now I have all these other worries. So scared what if I do and now lefted it to long am I going to end up staying in hospital (biggest fear) someone help. Has anyone had any of the above what happen what did you get/take? Did you end up in hospital.. HELP ME massive pannic attack

17-07-19, 15:26
You'd be dead already if you had tet from a month old infection.

But for future reference, it's not worth gambling with infections. If it's just red it's fine. If it's red, swollen and warm to the touch you should still get it checked out.

17-07-19, 15:35
Not swollen, not warm. But about 1cm around the hole cut. Was a big cut.

17-07-19, 16:04
You have none of the listed illnesses, it is a whole month since it was infected and clearly it is healing. Why worry about it now? It would have been when it was infected that I would have expected you to panic. :roflmao:Your body has done what it is meant to do, it has fought the infection and the area around the cut and infection can look red for quite a few months. If its not swollen, not warm, not red and have no discharge then you are fine!

17-07-19, 16:10
It's just very red. In this same time I had a infected tooth allso. Just so worried as I thought it would have been gone by now.

17-07-19, 17:20
What did your dentist say about your abscess? I would have thought they would want you to take an antibiotic for that alone and they won't always remove a tooth before this to stop a spread of infection. As for the foot, I think you need to visit your GP about this so they can re assess it. Heat can mean infection. They need to manage this. Be clear about why you couldn't take them, they need to encourage you. As we've said on the other threads you need to do this and if getting a safe person to be with you helps then you do need to try that.

17-07-19, 18:19
He said it wasn't warm/heated.

Thats a good point about the infected/abcessed tooth, is that being treated/needing treatment?

17-07-19, 18:25
Thanks Carys, misread his second post :doh: