View Full Version : High platelets (yet another worry)

18-07-19, 04:24
Hola chicos. I'm sorry guys but yet another post by me this last month.

*Please go to page 2, I updated*

So I had an appointment with a cardiologist three weeks ago due to my palpitations and she ordered a battery of tests which include ecg, echo, holter, blood count, thyroid, electrolytes etc. Had the ecg, and echo today, which thabks God came back fine when I was convinced I had cardiomyopathy... so I was so optimistic today because my heart is still structurally normal and I just had to wait for the bloods and holter. But to be honest the pessimistic part of me was sure that my joy wouldn't last long So when I went to take the bloods they told me the results would be available on thursday afternoon or this friday but I checked online a while ago and could see what they describe as a "partial report".

Ok so basically most of the things are optimal, cholesterol, tryglicerids, glucose etc but there were three things typed in red:

Platelets 421000 (normal lab range 182000-369000) high
RDW-SD 47.2 (normal lab range 36.4-46.3)
RDW-CV 15.5 (normal lab range 11.7-14.4)

Of course when I saw that the first thing I did was google I know I should've not but the temptation always win over me and guess what?? Big C was literally all over and not only big c, literally one of my major health anxiety fears: rare cancers.

I came across something called "Essential Thrombocythenia" and "Polycistenia Vera" which are some very rare blood cancer where your platelets are usually raised and that most of the time are diagnosed in people older than 60 while I'm 23 but still I think I'll be the unlucky 0.0001 of young people who get it. I read it cause heart attacks, blood clots, strokes, dvt and embolism and can later in life turn into acute leukemya.

I haver never heard of that until now and I think I could've go on with my life without knowing about it but here I am once again, worried about one of the rarest of the rarest cancers and my worry is being fed by the fact that there is clinical evidence, the raised platelets are there and I can't find any other non sinister reason :(

I just can't be happy and calm for a minute, I jump from worry to worry because new things appear. I will check tomorrow then on friday for the final report and see if I can get to the cardio that day and wait for her explanation. I'm already scared of having another blood count cause I fear it will show that my platelets have raised even more or that something else in my blood changed and that it is a sign of cancer :'(

Has anyone ever had raised platelets I mean like very far from normal range not marginal, and it wasn't something sinister?? Thanks in advance guys and sorry for posting again

18-07-19, 06:20
I’m sorry, I don’t have any experience with this, however I did a quick google search. High platelet counts can results from many different conditions including anemia, use of birth control and even having blood taken after exercise!! Has your doc said anything?

18-07-19, 09:26
Of course when I saw that the first thing I did was google I know I should've not....

If I had a $10 for every time I see that, I could have bought a couple of new guitars by now ;) As katniss said, there are so many non-serious reasons AND its not like they're obscenely out of range. Besides, if it were that concerning, you would have heard from the doctor for re-testing and yes, personally, I've had counts out of the norm.

Positive thoughts

18-07-19, 11:50
I’m sorry, I don’t have any experience with this, however I did a quick google search. High platelet counts can results from many different conditions including anemia, use of birth control and even having blood taken after exercise!! Has your doc said anything?

Hi Katniss thanks for replying! Well I certainly don't have anemia (or at least that's what I think) cause the rbc were normal just the two mentioned above ( RDW-SD and RDW-CV)which acording to google are some sort of rbc and mine are higher by 1 point I don't even know what that means.

I've never used birth control either and well the day before the tests I did sweat a lot but not precisely because I was exercising but because I was doing a lot s or work at home and the day was really hot. The cardio hasn't said anything yet cause I still haven't gone to the lab to pick the official results but I think on calling her later today to see if she can see me tomorrow :/

18-07-19, 12:06
Also, for what its worth, that is a surprisingly low upper limit that the lab has for platelet count. From prior research, typical "high" count is actually over 450k (most labs go 150k-450k), and most labs would never flag that at all.

Beyond that, keep in mind that ranges are not absolute - labs set them such that it covers 90-95% of the common population. It is always quite possible to be outside the lab range (especially as noted in this case) and still be perfectly healthy. The body is a very fluid system, and is always changing, and lab values will always fluctuate. Most doctors will never get antsy over a single off value (unless it is a specific lab, like a cardiac level), and will do follow up work IF they are concerned.

18-07-19, 12:07
If I had a $10 for every time I see that, I could have bought a couple of new guitars by now ;) As katniss said, there are so many non-serious reasons AND its not like they're obscenely out of range. Besides, if it were that concerning, you would have heard from the doctor for re-testing and yes, personally, I've had counts out of the norm.

Positive thoughts

Hi Fishmanpa, thanks for your reply! Hahahah some of us already know that we shouldn't google and be patient till de doctor says anything but it seems like some of us will never learn ;/

You're right they seem like they're not so outta range but my mind likes to focus on the negative things and the fact that most of the info is related to cancer heightens my anxiety even more. I still haven't seen the doctor but I want to see her tomorrow.

Did your doctor tell you why your plats were high?

To be honest a couple of year when I had another HA bout I had some bloods which showed I had high globulin and low albumin. The doctor that was seeing me during that time wasn't that concerned he just told to eat more egg whites, that was it. But I also googled and the explanation was cancer and kidney disorders. I couldn't find any non sinister results but here I am still, it seems like doctor google misdiagnosed me or something?? And years later I had them checked again and it was in the normal range. Maybe the platelets is just a transitient raise?? I truly hope so but I'm so scared :/

I don't understand why lab ranges vary?? I was looking at my older hemogram from other labs and they were always between the 120000-450000 but this lab limit is 360000 platelets I'm not sure why the lab range differ but maybe mine are normal?? Cause I read it is over 500000 or 600000 when the doctors will start to worry. I guess I would have to wait until the cardio sees me.

18-07-19, 12:14
Also, for what its worth, that is a surprisingly low upper limit that the lab has for platelet count. From prior research, typical "high" count is actually over 450k (most labs go 150k-450k), and most labs would never flag that at all.

Beyond that, keep in mind that ranges are not absolute - labs set them such that it covers 90-95% of the common population. It is always quite possible to be outside the lab range (especially as noted in this case) and still be perfectly healthy. The body is a very fluid system, and is always changing, and lab values will always fluctuate. Most doctors will never get antsy over a single off value (unless it is a specific lab, like a cardiac level), and will do follow up work IF they are concerned.

Hi ShadowHawk thanks for replying x

Those were my thoughts exactly!!! Why do they have such low range?? Like they're so restrictive. I was wondering if it is because the units they use or something?? Or maybe it's just the same I don't even know!!

You are right!! I have had protein counts like two points higher and lower and googled pointed out to cancer but I'm still here and the doctor didn't even worry about it. Why don't I trust doctors themselves and rely more on a internet search which literally billions of possible results instead of believing my doctor who's checikng me individually?? I sometimes don't get myself

18-07-19, 12:28
Hi ShadowHawk thanks for replying x

Those were my thoughts exactly!!! Why do they have such low range?? Like they're so restrictive. I was wondering if it is because the units they use or something?? Or maybe it's just the same I don't even know!!

You are right!! I have had protein counts like two points higher and lower and googled pointed out to cancer but I'm still here and the doctor didn't even worry about it. Why don't I trust doctors themselves and rely more on a internet search which literally billions of possible results instead of believing my doctor who's checikng me individually?? I sometimes don't get myself

Well, i mentioned the explanation i was given before (i asked my lab the same question when i saw some ranges different from other labs); they try to adjust the ranges to the 90-95% of "healthy" population, with additional variation based on what technique the lab uses to measure the values (different assay techniques can produce numbers that aren't 1:1 with other labs, and they will have their range adjusted for "normal").

But more importantly, ALL tests must be taken in clinical context - if someone has a wildly off value, but examination shows them to be healthy, it is MUCH more likely to be a faulty lab, or something else benign throwing the value (not enough/too much water, eating too recently for fasting tests, exercise, etc).

Sadly, i know EXACTLY what you mean about doctor trust - i am very guilty of this, especially with me doing a 6 month physical next week (with me giving blood tomorrow). I am doing all i can to not even look up the test results (shopping, cleaning, ANYTHING), and trust my doctor to gauge what he sees and go from there. I am very guilty of googling, and even worrying about results that are still IN range, but since they are closer to an end of the spectrum, i get worried anyway.

18-07-19, 14:08
Well, i mentioned the explanation i was given before (i asked my lab the same question when i saw some ranges different from other labs); they try to adjust the ranges to the 90-95% of "healthy" population, with additional variation based on what technique the lab uses to measure the values (different assay techniques can produce numbers that aren't 1:1 with other labs, and they will have their range adjusted for "normal").

But more importantly, ALL tests must be taken in clinical context - if someone has a wildly off value, but examination shows them to be healthy, it is MUCH more likely to be a faulty lab, or something else benign throwing the value (not enough/too much water, eating too recently for fasting tests, exercise, etc).

Sadly, i know EXACTLY what you mean about doctor trust - i am very guilty of this, especially with me doing a 6 month physical next week (with me giving blood tomorrow). I am doing all i can to not even look up the test results (shopping, cleaning, ANYTHING), and trust my doctor to gauge what he sees and go from there. I am very guilty of googling, and even worrying about results that are still IN range, but since they are closer to an end of the spectrum, i get worried anyway.

Well I guess I'll have to go to another lab and see (of course just if the doctor asks me to get another bloods) or I'll try bot to think too much about it.

I believe you, all of the other things I was checked for were ok guesss I will have to wait until tomorrow but the uncertainty is killing me ugh.

I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling like that and no it is NOT your fault at all , it is normal cause you have health anxiety as well. I don't even know where to start how to believe them since in the past I've been brushed off by so many doctors and the fact that there are no absolutes in medicicine has kind of made me doubt of their competence and everything ugh I feel you

I'm glad that you're trying to keep your mind and yourself busy until you go to the doc. I hope and I'm sure that you are a healthy person, those tests will come back fine! I hope to hear about you then, good luck :)!

18-07-19, 15:30
Well I guess I'll have to go to another lab and see (of course just if the doctor asks me to get another bloods) or I'll try bot to think too much about it.

I believe you, all of the other things I was checked for were ok guesss I will have to wait until tomorrow but the uncertainty is killing me ugh.

I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling like that and no it is NOT your fault at all , it is normal cause you have health anxiety as well. I don't even know where to start how to believe them since in the past I've been brushed off by so many doctors and the fact that there are no absolutes in medicicine has kind of made me doubt of their competence and everything ugh I feel you

I'm glad that you're trying to keep your mind and yourself busy until you go to the doc. I hope and I'm sure that you are a healthy person, those tests will come back fine! I hope to hear about you then, good luck :)!
I appreciate the support! Likewise, dont overthink this, especially if you are feeling in otherwise good health. Given how mild of a "blip" it is, with nothing else out of line, i suspect the doctor won't give it a second thought.

I completely understand what you say about no absolutes (for better or worse). Any time there is a problem, my anxiety riddled mind takes me to the absolute worst, without considering that even if there is a problem, there might be treatment for it.

IN terms of my health... we will see. The start of last year i was by no means healthy. I had untreated sleep apnea, i was 330lb (~150kg), and wound up in the hospital thinking i was having a heart attack (and fearing heart failure). While it wasn't an attack or failure, my blood pressure has caused my heart to be enlarged, which finally kicked my butt into motion. Since the hospital visit, i have lost ~120lb, been treating my apnea, and doing all i can to maintain my health. My cardiologist was over the moon, and wants a follow up in the near future to see if things are getting better; of course, my mind says they will be getting worse, and i will be dead in a year.

The general doc i see on monday hasn't seen me in 7 months, so it will be interesting to get his take on my progress. I still really do fear it is too late for me, and too much damage has been done, but we will see..

18-07-19, 16:20
I appreciate the support! Likewise, dont overthink this, especially if you are feeling in otherwise good health. Given how mild of a "blip" it is, with nothing else out of line, i suspect the doctor won't give it a second thought.

I completely understand what you say about no absolutes (for better or worse). Any time there is a problem, my anxiety riddled mind takes me to the absolute worst, without considering that even if there is a problem, there might be treatment for it.

IN terms of my health... we will see. The start of last year i was by no means healthy. I had untreated sleep apnea, i was 330lb (~150kg), and wound up in the hospital thinking i was having a heart attack (and fearing heart failure). While it wasn't an attack or failure, my blood pressure has caused my heart to be enlarged, which finally kicked my butt into motion. Since the hospital visit, i have lost ~120lb, been treating my apnea, and doing all i can to maintain my health. My cardiologist was over the moon, and wants a follow up in the near future to see if things are getting better; of course, my mind says they will be getting worse, and i will be dead in a year.

The general doc i see on monday hasn't seen me in 7 months, so it will be interesting to get his take on my progress. I still really do fear it is too late for me, and too much damage has been done, but we will see..

Wow I'm sorry to hear what you went trhough last year :( but I'm glad you didn't give up and started working on yourself, great job! Hope you keep it up and I wish you get better each day that passes. I heard that an enlarged can be reversed if you treat whatever is causing it so I hope that yours has gotten better! :)

I kind of understand what you feel but keep in my that your HA won't let you see past deadly conditions and that most of health conditions today are totally manageable.

I hope you keep me/us updated with your results and thank you for your words to me as well. Hoping for the best!

23-07-19, 00:26
Hi again guys!!

Wanted to change the title since my worry is another one now: Protein in urine but didn't know how!!

So today I went to my cardio and showed her all of my results (blood analitics, echocardiogram and urinalysis. She said that my platelets are ok and that it is because a variation in ranges depending on the laboratory (you guys nailed it!) And that I shouldn'g worry about vtach, sudden death, cancer, diabetes etc. Cause everything seemed normal. Now I'm just 20% percent worried about my platelets but I know my worry will subside in a matter of days.


Protein showed up in my urine once again, most probably albumin and she said that that isn't normal. My former doctors never said anything about it. From 2013, 2017, 2018, and now 2019 my urine has always come back with lots of bacteria, some nitrites and protein traces and well I first read about kidney failure and something called glomerulonephritist which from what I read tends to manifest as protein in urine, and I was kinda worried but since my creatinine, urea have always been normal and also the fact that my doctor never seemed to worry about that, I didn't either. I had an abdominal ultrasound last year and it only showed a small kidney stone everything else was normal.

So now my cardiologist ordered another urine test and a urine culture to see why I have so much bacteria and which kind and she said that if it shows protein again she will refer me to a nephrologist. And it will most likely come back with protein just as it's been these last couple of years. And well I'm trying to calm myself a bit but I'm getting worried I'm in the early stages of kidney disease and that I will go into kidney failure and consequently need a kindey transplant. Nobody in my family has had these issues. I've always said that my fam is relatively healthy and it is me who is always moaning about something and well it may sound kind of ridiculous or weird but since I was a kid, I've always thought I'll be the first to go being the second youngest of 9 children whose parents are 62 and 75. But well it might be another symptom of HA...

I've heard of so many young lives being taken by kidney disease and it's just horrific and sad what those people go through :(

So I just wanted to know guys if anyone else has had protein showing up in their urine and if your doc has said anything about it being normal without having kidney disease??

Thanks so much in advance :)