View Full Version : Weird pain when urinating

18-07-19, 13:28
Hello Everyone,

So this morning I woke up and went to use the bathroom and noticed I had some slight pain when urinating. Nothing sharp or excruciating but noticeable nonetheless. no blood or anything else. I did have some hip/pelvis last night. I attributed that to playing golf yesterday. I didn't think anything of it at the time.

I am a 28 year old and my mind is jumping to UTi or IC but those are rare for men.
Does anyone know what this could be?
I just had my annual exam two days. Most of the tests came back normal but I have to call the doctors office for my urinalysis results when they open in an hour or so.

18-07-19, 13:37
I have to call the doctors office for my urinalysis results when they open in an hour or so.

Just ask the doctor in an hour or so.

Positive thoughts

18-07-19, 14:29
Just ask the doctor in an hour or so.

Positive thoughts

So I called my doctors office and the my urinanalysis results were normal so I don't know what this weird burning sensation is when I go to the bathroom. It seems to be getting slightly better as the morning goes on but still is annoying. I don't have any other pains at the moment.

18-07-19, 14:42
Drink more water and see how it goes - watch and see as they say

18-07-19, 14:43
Drink more water and see how it goes - watch and see as they say
I just went to the bathroom and had no pain. I have been drinking water and coffee so I guess that flushed it out.

18-07-19, 15:14
Coffee is not good for potential urine infections so I would stop that.

19-07-19, 04:30
Hi THoltz

Glad to hear your urine test was normal
You are correct, UTi's are less common in men and me being female have always been predisposed to them. I have chronic UTI's.
Nicola is correct. Coffee irritates the bladder as does citrus, chocolate, tea etc.
I not only have the med asst dip my urine in the office but I also request that they send it out for culture. I do this as sometimes when they dipped in the office it was neg but when cultured it came back positive
I have gotten into the habit of drinking tons of water a day. I use this hard plastic reusable cup with a screw on lid and reusable straw. It can be found at dollar stores, supermarkets, Target and Walmart. I fill it up and drink it and then re fill again and again
Take a probiotic daily, 1,000 mgs of Vit C - all recd by my urologist
Hope this has helped