View Full Version : was it a panic attack?

18-09-07, 14:10

i've suffered from health anxiety and depression in the past but a week before an operation recently I had a really weird experience and i was wondering if it was a panic attack I was worried and anxious about the op.

i was doing the washing up and i had become really focussed on my breathing and then i felt like i couldn't get enough air, felt dizzy, my heart pounding - it was horrific - i thought i was actually turn blue and die right there and then. i managed to go and sit down but i felt so drained of energy. :ohmy:

i don't think there is anything physically wrong with me since then i've been out running etc. but it was awful... if it is a panic attack i'm horrified my body did that to me - why does it do it?

jess xxx

18-09-07, 16:54
Hello Jess !
I think you've answered this one yourself ! - anxious, depressed, focussed on breathing ..... your body was primed to go into panic mode and this is a totally understandable reaction given your circumstances. Now you know the reason for your panic you need not fear it again - its just your body looking after you.
be kind to yourself

18-09-07, 19:13
It could just be your body telling you to slow down and if you are worried and stressed then that will add to things as well.

Try not to dwell on it too much or start the "what if" thoughts.

19-09-07, 07:33
Hi , It does sound like a panic attack , everyone gets them at some time in their life but if you then dwell too much on it you can end up having more.

Just try to forget it and carry on as normal and if it does happen again do some breathing exercises to help .