View Full Version : Persistent sore throat

19-07-19, 13:49
I've been suffering with a persistent sore throat for a number of months on and off. Truth is I've suffered with sore throats on my right hand side for years, they tend to come and go.

It's only on the right side, and I'm also getting some pain in my ear. I can also feel it under my chin on the right side too.

I've been to a doctor who said nothing to worry about but sent me to ENT just to be sure. The ENT did a general check (but no cameras) and said he wasn't worried.

Anyone else having similar symptoms? Not sure what to do, I would've liked anything bad to be totally ruled out... but ENT wasn't interested in doing further checks.

Thoughts? Thank you!

19-07-19, 16:07
My husband and I get sore throats on and off with pollen levels and season/air changes.

You’ve been cleared, by two professionals.. one who specialises in the area.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

19-07-19, 16:24
Post nasal drip is a common culptrit for this. So is breathing through your mouth at night while you sleep. Do you favor sleeping on one side?

19-07-19, 22:09
Yes, I always sleep on my right side actually. I did wonder about post nasal drip... I occasionally get tonsil stones on the right side too though

20-07-19, 02:37
Hey Sam,

i have same problem for last 2 months - its affecting just my left side, with my left tonsil slightely larger. It is worse in the mornings, my throat feel dry and more sore.
I suspect its post nasal drip - i had MRI done 4 years ago and the result was i have deviated nasal septum to the left side. + i am always sleeping on my left so i guess all that makes sense.
Trying to sleep on other side for last week, but no change yet.

20-07-19, 17:08
Yes, I get these all through the spring and summer and assume they are allergy related. When it happens I can feel the pain shoot through my ear on the side where my throat hurts, which is why I think it's all connected to sinus/post-nasal drip. Sometimes they will last more than a week and then just disappear for weeks or months and come back out of nowhere.

21-07-19, 15:18
Thing is that this one has lasted for three weeks now... I'm slightly worried about something more sinister.

22-07-19, 20:36
Not sure what to think, can’t understand why it hasn’t gone away after three weeks!

22-07-19, 22:00
Okay I did some stupid and stuck my finger down the back of my throat. On the back wall I felt two little bumpy areas on either side of wall, the right hand one felt more raised. Terrified now it’s serious.

22-07-19, 22:12
Then go to the doctor Sam. Reassurance won't help.

Just keep in mind; Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

You've been checked by professionals.....

"Told Ya So Gang" on standby.

Positive thoughts

22-07-19, 22:49
Thanks Fishmanpa.

Panic slightly over, I realised that I was just feeling my tonsils... not the back of throat. Didn’t realise at first because I wasn’t looking, when I did the same thing shining a light it was just my tonsils.

I need to calm down and realise I’ve seen an ENT. This episode is frustrating because I had been doing so well for months after going through a lot of health anxiety last year.

always scared
22-07-19, 23:12
I'm going through this right now too.:weep: I've had a sore throat for weeks now . I also have gerds and post nasal drip. My mornings are horrible. So much mucus stuck at the back of my throat and then when I cough it all out my throat feels dry and sore all day. Still so worried about throat cancer :scared15: . But unfortunately I'v moved onto colon cancer this week :wacko:. So now I have a never ending sore throat with lower back pain and pelvic pain :weep:

02-08-19, 15:08
Just an update: the sore throat is still here. Not really sure what I can put it down to. Feels unlikely to be GERD, maybe post nasal drip? I'm just not sure. What would cause a one-sided sore throat for almost a month?!

03-08-19, 05:42
[QUOTE=sam93;1887162]Just an update: the sore throat is still here. Not really sure what I can put it down to. Feels unlikely to be GERD, maybe post nasal drip? I'm just not sure. What would cause a one-sided sore throat for almost a month?![/QUOT

Hey sam I have been dealing w a lump in throat feeling or sore throat on one side for months. Like since February. It drives me nuts. Ent told me everything looked fine except minor irritation on the side I complain about and it could be reflux or allergies. Having a dry throat makes it more obvious. I think she said only if you have issues swallowing there is not a major cause for concern.

03-08-19, 15:33
Just an update: the sore throat is still here. Not really sure what I can put it down to. Feels unlikely to be GERD, maybe post nasal drip? I'm just not sure. What would cause a one-sided sore throat for almost a month?!

Hey sam I have been dealing w a lump in throat feeling or sore throat on one side for months. Like since February. It drives me nuts. Ent told me everything looked fine except minor irritation on the side I complain about and it could be reflux or allergies. Having a dry throat makes it more obvious. I think she said only if you have issues swallowing there is not a major cause for concern.

Thanks for the reply, did you have a camera put down your throat? I didn't have one, ENT still insisted everything was fine.