View Full Version : How do you make yourself feel better when you’re scared

20-07-19, 20:12
Just wondering what Everyone does when you’re in the middle of an HA episode. Seems to take so much out of us mentally, emotionally and physically. Specifically I’m wondering what everybody does when you’re gearing up for a test that you’re terrified of (the results of course) and if their is anything you do that helps calm you.

Obviously for me prayer is number 1. Aside from
That I struggle a lot. I’m sure the fear is the worst part for most of us. Anyhow just curious.

20-07-19, 22:10
I don’t know walking helps. I joined a white coat hypertension support group and it made nd feel worse

21-07-19, 21:27
Just wondering what Everyone does when you’re in the middle of an HA episode. Seems to take so much out of us mentally, emotionally and physically. Specifically I’m wondering what everybody does when you’re gearing up for a test that you’re terrified of (the results of course) and if their is anything you do that helps calm you.

Obviously for me prayer is number 1. Aside from
That I struggle a lot. I’m sure the fear is the worst part for most of us. Anyhow just curious.

I have tried alsorts and still struggle. However here is some of the things that help me...

1. Exercise. Ideally a sport that takes your mind off things.

2. Distraction. Anything but distraction is essential for me.

3. Now this one may seem strange. Cold showers. I read somewhere that a lady came off her antidepressants after swimming in the cold sea. Now i live inland so no sea available however i found cold showers made me feel better. I am not sure why and it may not work for all but i do find it works for me. Word to the wise i dont tend to do this in winter months as it is bloody freezing.

4. Chamomile tea. Always seems to instantly calm me.

5. Chat with a friend. Unload your worry. Not so much for reassurance but just to offload your worry.

As i say i still struggle however i tend to struggle when i break the golden rule and google.

21-07-19, 21:30
Oh and i have just started mindfulness. I go for a weekly class. Too early to say whether this works but it certainly makes me feel good after the class. The science behind it makes sense to me as well so fingers crossed

22-07-19, 03:45
I came here just to ask this exact question. I'm in the middle of a terrible health anxiety spell myself. This is the worst one yet, as I can't believe what the doctor told me, and I'm constantly terrified and thinking about it. Glad to see someone else already asked!

Personally I'm not very religious/spiritual but I have still been trying prayer and meditation. Also I can't speak enough for distractions, they work wonders. I'm not the type to go out late at night but last week went to a late movie and hung out at the bar for a while afterward, and felt tons better while I was out. Going to go to the beach next week and see if that makes a difference too!

Also I have pets, and I find that spending time playing with them or taking my dog on a walk is a nice way to cope too.