View Full Version : New to the Forum

18-09-07, 15:13
Hi Everyone -

Lovely to meet you all.

My name is Jayne and I am currently on sick leave from work with depression and panic attacks.

My panic attacks very unfortunately began while I was travelling on the London Underground and happened a further three times. They have now transferred over to trains as I had my last attack on a train as I was travelling home from work on the last evening before taking two weeks' annual leave. I have, I am very ashamed to say, not been able to return to work since. I am extremely frightened that I may never be able to get on a train again. My journey to work takes just over half an hour.

I am afraid I am having quite a struggle at present. I am hopefully having an eye operation tomorrow but am feeling very anxious about this. My GP has very kindly prescribed Fluoxetine 20mg once a day and Propranolol 10mg up to four times a day. I am experiencing quite a loud heartbeat since beginning Propranolol and am feeling quite a lot worse than when I first visited my GP last week. Sleep and eating is quite a challenge.

The Community Mental Health Team have just telephoned and given me some telephone numbers to contact. I am very deeply sorry I am not feeling too bright at present but sending you all lots of love.

Jayne x

18-09-07, 16:16

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

18-09-07, 17:13
Hello Jayne and welcome.Dont be sorry sweety we are all in the same boat so fully understand how you are feeling.I had my first Panic attack while at work in a doctors surgery.
You will get lots of advise and help here.Dont be ashamed of not being able to return to work,you need to get yourself better first,and it will get better.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

18-09-07, 17:20
Hello Jayne,

A very big warm :welcome: to you

18-09-07, 19:02
Hi Jayne

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you.

18-09-07, 19:05
Hi Jayne

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too:) , good luck tommo too hun with your eye operation i hope it all goes well for you:hugs:


18-09-07, 19:16
Hello Jayne And Welcome.................linda

18-09-07, 20:23
Hi Jayne,

Welcome to NMP. Good luck with the eye operation tomorrow. I can understand why you would be anxious about that. It sometimes takes time for the meds to work. You will find support and understanding here.



18-09-07, 21:35
Hi Jayne and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and supprt here while making new friends along the way. There is no need to apologise and you shouldn't feel ashamed at being off work as anxiety is an illness just like any other. Best of luck with the operation. :hugs:

Take care,

Mike :)

18-09-07, 21:37
Hello Jayne :welcome:to you!

Nothing to be ashamed off if you don't feel up to going back to work yet - better to wait until you feel you can than go back far too soon.

And no need to apologise for not feeling so bright - that's what we're all here for, to support and help one another in our situations.

Gald you found us - pleased to meet you!


18-09-07, 22:17
Hiya Jayne

Welcome to NMP :)
Don't feel too worried about getting back to work, I'm still a newbie to this site myself but one thing I have learnt is that Anxiety/Panic is an illness and definitely nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone here is very understanding, you're not alone with the way you feel....I had my first panic attack on a train too.
Good luck with your eye operation tomorrow

18-09-07, 23:18
Hello Jayne,

I am new also. Glade to meet you. Hope you are doing better:welcome:

21-09-07, 09:13
Thank you very much indeed for your very kind welcomes - they are very greatly appreciated.

My eye surgery went well, although I very unfortunately had quite a lot of anxiety and panic yesterday while in the Eye Clinic having my eye checked.

Lots of love to you all and look forward to getting to know you and hopefully being able to be of support.

Jayne xxx

22-09-07, 18:21
Hi Jayne :D

Welcome to NMP, u will get great advice here, and meet lots of good people.

keep smiling & Good luck :yesyes:

Lou x