View Full Version : Really bad sunburn... sepsis? Worried

21-07-19, 01:08
Hi all,

10 days ago i got a bad sunburn in the middle of my chest. It has gotten progressively worse and in the past 2 days especially bad. There is a crack down the middle of it where i can see yellow crust and a sort of oozing centre which is white. The skin around is also very red and flakey/peeling. I am really worried because i don’t know what to do and im so worried i will develop sepsis. Im even scared to sleep in case i get it in my sleep etc. I can get to a clinic soon but just wanted opinions on what on earth this could be?


21-07-19, 01:32
2nd degree sunburn.

Positive thoughts

21-07-19, 16:49
I’m with Fishmanpa, sounds like a second degree sunburn. I’ve had that before because I live out here in Arizona, and trust me, they ain’t pretty.
I’ve never heard of a case of sepsis from a sunburn. Not saying that it isn’t possible, but I would think it’s highly unlikely unless the sunburn gets infected.
Just keep treating it and I think you should be just fine.