View Full Version : Skin worries + anxiety management

21-07-19, 18:15
Hi all,

I am an occasional poster and have tried lately to avoid posting. I am totally in the rabbit hole because of a mark I have on my leg. I didn’t worry about it as I though it was probably a bite that stayed or a funny follicle or something but now I am obsessed with it. It is not very big, smaller than a pencil eraser and it is pink. I have done all the ABC cancer check and it does not tick any boxes. It has been there since last year or before and doesn’t appear to have grown. It is not crusty scaly or bleeding itching etc. I have looked at pictures and it does not resemble anything that is worrying. So logically, I should not worry and if I feel the need to check it out, I can go to the doc. I shouldn’t seek reassurance and yet I do. Even this is reassurance seeking I know.

But....I can’t win over my brain. I have been through a lot of stress lately and I have worried myself into a hole. I can’t get it out of my head that it is something bad. And I will die. Every time I have a HA flare it is like this (we all know this). I have been doing cbt since October and I still feel I am out of control. I stopped meds’ cos of the side effects. I am constantly searching/scanning every lump or
Pain, I have had various tests and I convince myself every time that this is bad.

How can I win this? My strategies are to challenge thinking by writing down my thoughts, weighing up best case vs worst case, distraction (saying stop stop with an elastic band to add a bit of weight). I am failing at the cbt. My stresses are so much that when I feel overwhelmed my ha goes nuts.

Help and advice! Any strategies?


21-07-19, 18:42
I have not spiralled like this for so long. I am having panic attacks and lump in throat and chest. My brain is full of worry and I can’t think straight at all. I don’t think my symptoms add up to something bad but most of my brain is not having it.

21-07-19, 18:44
On my other leg I have a similar thing which the doctor said was nothing and that’s been there years. I know that other stresses are causing me to worry about this now but I can’t focus. I am going to try and do some work, cooking so that I distract myself a bit.

21-07-19, 18:45
I have done all the ABC cancer check and it does not tick any boxes. It has been there since last year or before and doesn’t appear to have grown. It is not crusty scaly or bleeding itching etc. I have looked at pictures and it does not resemble anything that is worrying.

This is the best reassurance you can get - your own observation and logic.

The battle to be won is not re the "mark" on your leg but HA running rampant. Let the thoughts come and go and remember that neither the mark nor the thoughts will hurt you as your logic and reasoning have already won the day.

21-07-19, 18:57
Thank you, I have to keep repeating the logic as a mantra I think and breathe! I am so in my own head at times that writing it down helps also. So I am scribbling notes for cbt and obviously going on here lol. The mark was there yesterday and I wasn’t overly worried about it. With HA suddenly I need to have a worry and so my brain/I starts looking for something. 😢 exhausting

22-07-19, 02:34
stress and the spiral of health anxiety can be terrible, trust me i know! being hyper-aware can take a mental toll on our bodies. you KNOW you are okay, that those marks are just what they are, marks. once you let yourself believe it youll never think twice about them
you got this! :)

22-07-19, 04:18
Thank you, I am trying to listen to my rational brain and ignore the HA part. It is so annoying that it so hard. All logic etc points one way but my HA wants to ignore that and focus on the worst case scenario and a mountain of what ifs?

I hate that once I’m over one fear, the HA has found another one for me to fret about. I need to let go of the HA, and I am struggling to use the CBT. I know I need to put in the work but what exercises do others find helpful?

22-07-19, 18:01
Went to get my leg checked out and it was nothing terrible, of course! He also checked other moles and reassured me that all was fine. I did talk to him about the anxiety raising it’s head and making me worry uncontrollably and he has prescribed fluoxetine. I have not had this before but he said that it is good, low dose so side effects low. I have had citalopram before which didn’t agree with me and sertraline which made me have dreadful anxiety and panic attacks around the clock. I was reassured but have now picked up the meds and it says may impair driving reactions. What???!!! Any experiences of this please?

22-07-19, 18:21
There's an entire sub-forum (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?51-Fluoxetine-Prozac) in it. My sister has been on it for years.

Positive thoughts

22-07-19, 18:41
Thank you, I will check it out. I realise now it is Prozac....which I haven’t taken but I know lots who have! :)