View Full Version : Blood spots/petechiae

22-07-19, 15:00
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has ever experienced unexplained petechiae and it wasn’t anything serious?

I just got back from a week in Spain and the tops of both my thighs (almost symmetrical) and scattered across my abdomen I have quite a fair few blood spots. They aren’t bright red. Quite worried as whenever you google, blood cancer automatically comes up! I did have very slight sunburn and also due to cramps had a hot wheat bag over my stomach the day before I noticed these spots but I can’t help but feel it’s unrelated.

I’m 23 and otherwise healthy other than undergoing tests for Endometriosis. Can’t get a GP appointment for 2 weeks so just wanted to hear if anyone had similar.


22-07-19, 15:03
Yep, I often get them; I used to worry about them but the vast, vast majority of the time they're absolutely nothing.

22-07-19, 15:07
Thanks for your reply! I am a classic worrier so anything new freaks me out! Just quite frightening how many have appeared what feels like out of nowhere

22-07-19, 15:10
Yeah, I get that every now and again. It might have been the heat or friction of the wheat bag, maybe?