View Full Version : Heat and Anxiety

23-07-19, 10:38
There's no doubt that the heatwave is causing more anxiety and I thought it might be helpful to have a thread for people struggling and also any tips to stay cool.

So my tip is to keep a cold damp flannel to use on the back of your neck and forehead or wet wipes if on the move.

23-07-19, 10:40
I know it's not very British to say it, but the weather's vile, isn't it?

23-07-19, 10:57
BlueIris, this country is not equipped for this heat despite year after year of climbing temperatures. :(

23-07-19, 11:02
I know it's not very British to say it, but the weather's vile, isn't it?

It really is, I so much prefer colder months! Hate feeling hot and flustered, just seems to make everything harder to deal with.

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23-07-19, 11:07
It really is, I so much prefer colder months! Hate feeling hot and flustered, just seems to make everything harder to deal with.

I *HATE* having sticky hands all the time.

23-07-19, 23:56
absolutely does...I used to have huge heat anxiety a few years ago every summer here in london in the heatwave days...but now with age im getting better and doesnt feel as intense..I still feel that it doesnt help though and it gets in the way of doing most things normally, luckily for us it doesnt last long otherwise we would just have to get used to and live with it

24-07-19, 01:31
The heat and me don't mix at all :lac: I always miss the sun and heat during the colder months but once the heat comes around its the start of another anixety round of its own kind. Sleep seems impossible

24-07-19, 11:30
The heat is giving me all day anxiety and can’t function , it’s hatd enough suffering this at the best of times

hate this now and don’t get any relief from the suffering and depression

24-07-19, 12:26
The heat is giving me all day anxiety and can’t function , it’s hatd enough suffering this at the best of times

hate this now and don’t get any relief from the suffering and depression

I feel the same. It awful. Can't do anything. Just flopped on sofa watching boring tv.

24-07-19, 13:32
I have got to the stage where I just can’t cope with this anymore and really need help!!!!!!!!!!!!

25-07-19, 22:10
Global warming!!! We're gonna die!!!

25-07-19, 22:16
It stinks, but it'll be over soon enough.

I found my pot of super-deluxe organic tattoo cream, which also works as a really lightweight, gentle moisturiser so my skin doesn't feel so gross.

Don't get me wrong, I'm eager for this to be over, but I think that self-awareness and self-care have to be the order of the day.

26-07-19, 11:37
The worst part about it is that this is going to become a common occurrence from now on. The pollutants we dumped in the air are trapping in the sun's heat and it's going to melt us as well as the polar ice caps... my God.... what have we wrought on His Earth?

26-07-19, 11:44
Is it His, though? How do we know it's not Hers? Or nobody's, just one of those incredible coincidences that crop up every now and again in an infinite universe?

Yes, the world is undoubtedly screwed. I'm just dubious as to the value of running around screaming that the sky is falling.

26-07-19, 23:05
I am not getting anxiety as such over the heat but i want to book a train down south but seen all the horrors of people being stuck on tracks or fainting in heat makes me thing I need to stay cool and do something less travelling?

27-07-19, 01:51
Yes, the world is undoubtedly screwed. I'm just dubious as to the value of running around screaming that the sky is falling.

And it won't be the heat that gets us exactly anyway, it will be the out of control population growth and the lack of food to eat unless we go all sci-fi somehow and invent a solution, hopefully not one like Soylent Green though :ohmy:

But Frank does struggle with media triggers as his threads show.

27-07-19, 01:53
When my anxiety was far worse the seasons bothered me loads. Cold weather upset me, hot weather upset me. It often took a little time to be ok with it.

Thankfully this isn't much of an issue any more but obviously in this heat with asthma in remission, issues with my back and needing to improve my fitness I do find my breathing worse which tries to plant some seeds for my anxiety which did used to worry about not being able to breathe and my asthma.

It's not raining again here and it's cool outside (stifling still in the house though :mad:) and I think I can hear the thunder starting up again.

27-07-19, 07:08
Nothing wrong with Soylent Green.
Don't they keep telling us to recycle?:shrug:

27-07-19, 08:53
My asthma is worse in this weather. I take an antihistamine which seems to help a bit. Luckily we have air con at work too, but not at home.

It’s all temporary though, we’re back to rain today!

27-07-19, 20:56
And it won't be the heat that gets us exactly anyway, it will be the out of control population growth and the lack of food to eat unless we go all sci-fi somehow and invent a solution, hopefully not one like Soylent Green though :ohmy:

What about... population control?