View Full Version : Bladder troubles

23-07-19, 14:29
I've been referred to a urologist by my doctor but am just looking for a bit of advice as I'm really worried. 🙁
I'm 22 and have been having bladder issues for a few years. I had my first UTI when I was 17 and I *think* my troubles started after that. Every so often (every few weeks or so) I'll either go through phases of needing to urinate frequently/urgently. It'll come on suddenly and after I've urinated it'll feel like there's still more in there.
I've been to the doctors numerous times with UTI symptoms and have taken samples in but more often not they don't find anything wrong.
I have terrible health anxiety and have been Googling bladder cancer like mad and am now convinced that's the cause!
I had an ultrasound done in November & January for pelvic pain (ovarian cyst) and am wondering if I had a tumour or something on my bladder would this have picked it up?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I'm really going out of my mind.
Thanks! X

23-07-19, 14:34
Common anxiety symptom (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Kidneys_urgency_to_urinate_frequent_urina tion_sudden_urge_to_go_to_the_toilet) and you're making it worse with Dr. Google.

Positive thoughts

23-07-19, 19:25
What's up ellieA,

I think Fishman is spot on with this one. The mind is very powerful. A uti sounds like a very unpleasant experience. No dought you would have some anxiety following one of those. Anxiety can pop up out of nowhere, I've experienced similar symptoms like this as well. Definitely don't google. I'm sure once the urologist checks you out you will be relieved. You certainly don't have bladder cancer, and yes the ultrasound would have picked up anything that shouldn't be there. Your going to be fine.

Take care

24-07-19, 10:45
What's up ellieA,

I think Fishman is spot on with this one. The mind is very powerful. A uti sounds like a very unpleasant experience. No dought you would have some anxiety following one of those. Anxiety can pop up out of nowhere, I've experienced similar symptoms like this as well. Definitely don't google. I'm sure once the urologist checks you out you will be relieved. You certainly don't have bladder cancer, and yes the ultrasound would have picked up anything that shouldn't be there. Your going to be fine.

Take care

Thank you, that's reassuring! How long did you have symptoms for if you don't mind me asking?

24-07-19, 10:46
Common anxiety symptom (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Kidneys_urgency_to_urinate_frequent_urina tion_sudden_urge_to_go_to_the_toilet) and you're making it worse with Dr. Google.

Positive thoughts

Thanks, I never thought about it being anxiety related.

24-07-19, 14:39
Thank you, that's reassuring! How long did you have symptoms for if you don't mind me asking?

Hello again,

So I'd say the symptoms hung around the first go around for about a month or two. Then about 10 years later, I noticed they krept back up all of a sudden. Lasted about six weeks maybe. Honestly, I feel it lasted as long as I let it hang around. It made me extremely anxious so I focused on it every second. If I felt nothing, I would just set around waiting to feel something. Once I stopped focusing on it so much, it slowly went. Everyone is affected differently but urinary issues of all types are extremely common with anxiety. I hope you feel better soon.

Take care