View Full Version : Fell off the wagon

23-07-19, 15:49
I've been quiet on the forums recently due to work and health anxiety affecting me less.

However, all that has changed following a consultation with a new doctor the other day.

I saw a new GP regarding some allergy tests I'd had done, and she then noted I'd been taking Sildenafil as prescribed by my regular GP. As this had been working so well, I'd mostly forgotten about the erection issues.

After a chat with her, she was obviously quiet concerned and said she would refer me to a cardiologist to be 'on the safe side'. She then went on to say that she's seen it happen and if it's in the penile arteries, it can be in the coronary vessels too. 'it' I took to mean atheroma. So long story I'm seeing a cardiologist on the 22nd August. Tried to put it through my insurance but they said no.

I have been worried I've let this go on for too long and could have sudden death between now and my appointment.

I think what's playing on my mind was the GP said 'all men with persistent ED need a through cardiac workup regardless of age'. And although I did know this beforehand (this is not a new concept) , I think I'd been living with my head in the clouds thinking I'm too young. Sort of being brought home.

And I'm only 26!

23-07-19, 15:56
Fellow ED sufferer, though mine was clearly anxiety related. Once I worried about not being able to get en erection after the first time it happened, it ends up being the only thing you can think about the next time it happens, which obviously creates the scenario for more ED.

Try sex without the sildenafil. I am a middle aged guy now, with an actual heart issue which requires meds, which in turn causes ED, but I can manage a bit without sildenafil because I have that part of the anxiety under control. You might well find your ED is anxiety related too.

23-07-19, 16:38
It does sound like a ruling out check and that appointment is clearly not an urgent one. Perhaps this suggests a GP with a new patient being cautious to ensure going forward there is not this type of underlying issue and if you had seen her originally this would have been her course of action?

23-07-19, 18:06
It's made me quite on edge as she said that it's the fact my dorsalis pedis pulse is reduced on one side and absent on the other. E.g. Its the whole clinical picture.

Im kicking myself and thinking I should've pushed this months ago because I remember posting on here about it. But my GP at that time completely dismissed it (even when she found the absent pulse!!)

I've been on PubMed too much as there was a case report of a 33 year old with ED of six months duration who then was found to have an 80% stenosis of a coronary artery. And I've left this go on for a couple of years.

I shall keep everyone updated