View Full Version : Hi all....

18-09-07, 20:00
Hi all...just wanted to say hi to everyone. I am new to this site, but am very glad I found it as you always think that you are being stupid and that you are the only person who goes through the symptoms of panic...especially if you are someone like me..a married guy with children, the one who has to watch over his family, the guy at work who is always laughing and joking.
Had a very bad experience a couple of days ago whilst waiting to fly home after a holiday..the beating heart, sweaty palms, vomitting, sitting on the toilet every two minutes, feeling like your chest is going to cave inwards...then hey presto, half a hour later everything is fine, but you feel so stupid and worried that it may rear its head again.

18-09-07, 20:12
Hi Steve

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im glad you decided to join us, we have all felt the same as you so you are not alone, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


18-09-07, 20:12
Hi Steve

Just wanted to :welcome: you aboard. Lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

18-09-07, 20:25
Hi Steve,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

18-09-07, 20:26
Hi Steve,

Welcome to NMP. I feel the same way about flying except I experience it every single time I fly. You will find loads of support here.



18-09-07, 20:55
Welcome Steve to NMP

18-09-07, 21:37
Hiya Steve

Welcome to NMP!

Still a bit of a newbie here myself but finding this site invaluable....made me realise I'm not as daft as I thought I was :D


18-09-07, 21:40
Hello Steve :welcome:to you!

Well, I guess we all felt we were all alone and stupid when we first found this site - then very quickly found out we're not as we all have a story to tell !!

Lots of help and support here - pleased to meet you!


18-09-07, 21:42
Hi Steve and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

18-09-07, 23:30
Hi Steve,

Hang in there we all feel like that at some point.Hope you are feeling alittle better. I am new here also

18-09-07, 23:39
Hi Steve,

There's loads of support to be found here - hope you find the site helpful :)

Take care,

Lorelai x

19-09-07, 06:38

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xxx

19-09-07, 10:53
Hello Steve,

A very big warm :welcome: to you.

19-09-07, 12:22
Thanks for all the messages and its great to know that people are supporting me
Steve xx

19-09-07, 12:38
Hello Steve And Welcome..........linda

19-09-07, 12:43
Good to hear from you. You're right, there is a stigma attached to anxiety / depression, which is so unfair as no-one wants to have these feelings. I don't suffer from panic attacks but rather a high level of anxiety generally. One of the things I find elevates my levels is having to do something I can't easily get out of - flying is a bit like that. Once you're onboard, that's it you're commited, no easy way out for the next few hours. I find meetings at work have a similar effect on me.

Anyway, good luck, you're amongst friends here.


19-09-07, 12:52
hi steve you rnt stupid youl find loads of support on here we all understand my anxiety just cum on me hit me like a brick i no how you feel tc elaine