View Full Version : Neck lumps

24-07-19, 22:40
Is it normal to feel hard neck lumps... I assume it’s where the thyroid is located. I’ve had them for years (or first noticed them years ago).... they’re basically symmetrical.

However, I also have a soft lump just on the right side that I’ve just noticed this evening. It’s deep into the neck and takes quite a bit of prodding to find. Is that normal?

24-07-19, 22:49
If you poke and prod enough, you'll always find something to trigger your anxiety.

Positive thoughts

25-07-19, 04:32
takes quite a bit of prodding to find.

Why would you do that?

25-07-19, 15:44
I've been to four doctors about this, including a specialist ENT. None of them are worried, but none of them have sent me for actual tests... just checked throat and felt for lumps.

One doctor actually found the lump I could feel... the others couldn't and said no issues. Worried that they have missed something.

25-07-19, 15:47
I think it's probably just that you're prodding too hard.

25-07-19, 15:48
I'm a Head and Neck cancer survivor and frankly, I would have been jumping for joy if ONE professional told me it was nothing! How many professionals will it take until you believe them and seek help for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

25-07-19, 16:25
I have a few neck lumps, and I know they’re nothing to be concerned about. Again, if you keep poking around, you’re gonna find something. No reason to find something if they aren’t concerning.

25-07-19, 17:50
I'm a Head and Neck cancer survivor and frankly, I would have been jumping for joy if ONE professional told me it was nothing! How many professionals will it take until you believe them and seek help for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

Totally agreed Fishmanpa, I had severe HA last year and did therapy and CBT which helped and this is the first case of HA I’ve had since. I’ve already booked a therapy appointment

I have a few neck lumps, and I know they’re nothing to be concerned about. Again, if you keep poking around, you’re gonna find something. No reason to find something if they aren’t concerning.

Very good advice! Thank you

27-07-19, 21:07
Sore throat still here, coming on three weeks on sides. What else could it really be? Throat pain, ear pain, swollen gland... seems like it could be something sinister to me :( I’m worried

30-07-19, 20:20
Three weeks today, this has been going on for a little too long. No signs of improving, feels the same as it did three weeks ago. Tried all sorts of medicine with no improvement...