View Full Version : Sarcoma fear for me, for my son and tumor fear for my husband. I have to get a grip!

26-07-19, 03:05
I thought I was doing better - but last week I noticed a large lump area on my left thigh just above the knee. It’s most noticeable when I have my leg bent and i know I’ve seen it there over the last couple months and now I’m convinced it’s a soft tissue sarcoma. I can’t hardly sleep at night because of fear.

My son is 3 and has a squishy swollen area near the middle of his back/spine. It’s been there for a little while. He had his checkup today and the dr wasn’t super concerned but ordered an X-ray to just check it out. I’m a nervous wreck. Stomach trouble, worry, fear. I cannot even bear the thought of him having sarcoma or something. Omg. I cannot rationalize any other possible outcome.

Finally my husband has had a nosebleed on the same side two nights back to back. I’m scared it’s a brain tumor or something. I haven’t told him. I want him to go get checked out but he is the type that will put it off.

I just don’t know how to make it thru the days without having this stomach turning fear. I had weaned down off of lexapro at the end of June because I was doing better and it makes me so tired thru the day. But I called in a refill today because I just can’t handle the fearful thoughts and worries about my son. Really about my husband too.

What would you do?? How do you guys get they these kind of health scares!? I am terrified. Thanks for letting me get this out.

27-07-19, 00:59
ALL healthcare professionals (doctor, nurse, pharmacist, phsyio, technician, you name it) are cautious when it comes to children. Your doctor is likely doing the same, I wouldn't worry unduly (as easy as it is for me to say that as a non-parent!). When a doctor is truly concerned, the "poker face" comes on and the phrase "I'm not worried about xyz, but we need to rule out xyz" is usually stated.

A nosebleed is 100% NOT a brain tumour symptom. Period

What would you do?? How do you guys get they these kind of health scares!? I am terrified. Thanks for letting me get this out.

I've had a bit of health scare recently. I've been experiencing erectile dysfunction for a while now. No "morning wood", can't get fully erect and I have difficulty maintaing it, and viagra works wonderfully. The hallmarks of organic ED. I saw my GP in December 2018 after I noticed the pulses on top of my feet (dorsalis pedis) were absent. She confirmed one was weak and the other absent, but told me to stop worrying because I'm not diabetic.

Fast forward until recently and I have a new GP. Thankfully, this new GP is nothing short of a Godsend. She examined my peripheral pulses with a doppler (essentially a microphone that makes your pulses audible to the "naked" ear)

Pulse behind the knee? Yep, I heard that!
Pulse at the ankle? Even better, heard it!
Pulse on the top of foot (doralis pedis)? Left foot, absent. No sound. Right foot? Yeah - can sort of hear it, can you turn the volume up? It's turned up.OK then...

In plain English, the doppler detected my pulses at the knee and ankle, and very faintly on the right foot. It was entirely absent on the left foot. So GP told me she was referring me to a cardiologist, with the "poker face" look.

Not trying to sound like I'm looking for sympathy (I'm not) but this is the first time I've ever gone to a doctor and they've shown concern in my symptoms (excluding the time I landed in the emergency room with alcohol related atrial fib). Amazingly, I'm not terribly anxious about it (yes , I did post on here about it). I've found a strength I didn't know I had. It's worth noting that alcohol-induced atrial fibrillation is a rare phenomenon in a 23 year old male (as I was at the time). So GP said mine is a "case for the experts".

Good luck