View Full Version : fear of life going by to quickly

26-07-19, 20:10
yes this is my second post today. its just been one of those days but this has been a worry that has been creeping up on me. i feel like life is going by to quickly i turn 18 in the course of a few months and thats scary to me i dont want to be an adult. it feels like just a week ago i was 13 i dont know what to do and accompanied by this fear is death i fear dying every year that i get older i feel like its coming closer and closer and thats giving me constant dread tomorrow ill be 20 a week from now ill be 50 a month from now ill be 70. its just a very scary thought i dont even know if its normal for a 17 year old to be worrying about death. i dont do much over summer breaks{Usually when my anxiety peaks for the year}so this is problay making it 10x worse then it actually is but the worry is still there. im honestly completely lost and hopeless.

26-07-19, 20:28
i dont want to be an adult. it feels like just a week ago i was 13 i dont know what to do

No one knows what to do, we all just make it up as we go along and ask those older than us or those with different experiences to help us out ‘adult’ or not. Nothing changes overnight when you turn 18 other than legally being an adult.

No one feels like an adult, we all just feel the same we always have, maybe a little more tired sometimes though!

I read somewhere there’s a theory that time feels like it’s passing quickly when we aren’t making any distinct memories and learning new things that differentiate time periods. If you’re worried about things going to quick and passing by the most simple and effective method will be to fill your life with as many interesting and different memories that come about!

Positive vibes,


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27-07-19, 00:19

I'm 26 (OK, I have a few more weeks to go, until the 16th August, but let's not argue over a few weeks - I am 26 lol).

Although my forte is within pharmaceuticals, and not psychiatry, I would say this is a normal thought process (I'm open to debate on this!).

I find myself, not infrequently, thinking back to the carefree days of school. My biggest worry back then was: "do I have the latest iPhone?" and not: "have I remembered to pay my credit card?". I also think back to the happy days of going on holiday with my parents when my biggest concern would be: "How big is the pool?" rather than the "Have I remembered my passport, asthma inhalers, reflux meds, debit card, credit card, euros etc etc etc?" that invariably blight me as an (independent) adult.

As this is a forum which can essentially be searched by anyone, I'm a bit reluctant (both professionally and personally) to give away too much information, but I work at a cancer unit hospital which is also linked to a regional trauma centre hospital. I cover work at both sites. One thing I have definitely (and "soberingly" learnt) is that every day is a bonus. My point being that I've seen some things that really put life into perspective.

Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow - a bus could knock you down, or lightening could strike you dead. You've probably never considered those two "risks", but you're faced with them every time you go outside.

If I could rewind and speak to my 18 year old self (I know, I sound like I'm 70!!!) but I'd tell myself to stop caring about the small things in life, appreciate your parents a lot because they won't be around forever (thankfully, both my parents are alive and doing very well, but I was such a brat at times), do NOT smoke, and get OFF Google.

I have wasted the time between (around) March 2012 and February 2019 worrying about a disease I never got. The advice I would give to you is to stop worrying about whatever tomorrow could bring. You're still very young (yeah, I know,it's hard to believe because at 18 I also thought I was "old"). But you are, and you have your life ahead of you. Don't waste seven years (or more) worrying like I did. That is my biggest regret.

Good luck

27-07-19, 00:34
My theory about life, and it has been proven true, is that each year we age, time passes more quickly. It's mathematical. When we're a year old, one year of our life is our entire life. As we age, it becomes a smaller fraction and goes quicker. I recall the song 100 years (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR-qQcNT_fY) when it came out in 2005. For some reason, it was the first song I heard for a while when the clock/radio alarm went off for a month or so. It captures the feeling of fear and wonderment of aging. I've certainly thought about growing old when I was younger but TBH, life just gets in the way and before you know it, poof! The reality is, with the real life health issues I have, I'm realistically in the final decade or so of my life. I don't fear it nor do I regret my mistakes and I've made plenty. The worst regrets we can have in life are the chances we didn't take due to fear.

Positive thoughts

27-07-19, 02:41
I think it's normal to have some level of anxiety of getting older. I think it happens to us all. I'm 36, so I've liked your entire lifetime twice! :scared15: And I agree with Fishman, life does feel faster as you get older, but the best thing to do is to find ways to be mindful of your time. I also agree with Midnight Mouse. No one ever really feels like an adult. I have a 5 year old and I still don't feel like an adult! My husband and I are currently laying around binge watching old seasons of Survivor and I'm starting law school in the fall. You have SO much life in front of you. I think 18-22, when I was in college, were some of my favorite times! Savor this time! Don't waste it worrying about death. But also remember, that there's so much to come!