View Full Version : Been a long week, now next week will be too--Testing for type 2 diabetes

27-07-19, 05:03
So this week has tried my HA in the extreme. I had my physical, doctor took an angry mole. That turned out fine, so yay!

I mentioned tingling extremities, and he asked me if I was a generally anxious person. I was impressed that the doctor was picking up on my anxiety without me mentioning it yet, as he is a new doc. He asked about my diet etc, which is pretty good.

Now, all that said, my cholesterol had jumped almost 100 points in one year, without much change in diet. It was over 300 now. Working on that.

Then the past two nights, I have been peeing like crazy. Both nights I went 4 times. Now, urinating in the night isn't new to me, I am pushing 50 so getting up a time or two is something I am used to, but 4 times is extreme for me. I mentioned this to him when he called me about the mole today, and even though my fasting blood sugar was fine (91) he wants to run my A1C.

I appreciate his diligence, but honestly I am just fricking exhausted. It seems like all I do is go to the doctor, learn I have new problems, then deal with them.

Three years ago I was super healthy, or so I thought. I feel like I am coming apart at the seams now, not so much anxious as just worn down.

I know this could all be anxiety too, and I honestly really hope it is, because the medical problems I actually do have are starting to feel all encompassing, like it is hard to make time for anything else.

I know that even if I have diabetes, it isn't a death sentence. I have the discipline to deal with it. I can maintain a strict diet and exercise program without issue. HA has trained me for a life of monitoring physical conditions ;-) But I am so hoping I don't have to.

Sorry for the huge, whiny post, I just really needed a place to vent, and my wife has born an unfair amount of my burden lately, so I appreciate you letting me put this all down in words and maybe getting a little catharsis out of it.

Now, once more into the breach!

27-07-19, 09:56
As you mention diabetes type 2 isn't necessarily a big issue, assuming you can maintain a diet. It's really just about reducing carbs to a super low level and removing ALL crap from your diet. Eat whole foods only.

There's about to be a big change in the UK health system whereby cholesterol is no longer seen as the devil. The issue is cholesterol in the presence of inflammation....caused by poor quality diets.

You may want to watch a documentary on Netflix called 'The Magic Pill'.

Fundamentally, we have been fed (no pun) all sorts of nonsense about what we should be eating for the last few decades and the combination of too much carb and too little quality fat has damaged us heavily.

28-07-19, 01:50
I can remember getting up that many times due to my anxiety when I was still in my mid thirties. I strongly suspect your doctor is being cautious and that's likely because you have an existing health issue so they just like to have all the numbers in front of them to make sure there is nothing to follow up.

Given your age and weight it's a possibility but I doubt many GP's would reach for these tests on the basis of that symptom alone.