View Full Version : Anyone struggle with health fears but also struggle with not wanting to see The dr?

27-07-19, 05:42
Just curious. I am a seriously anxious person and have been since childhood. I get health fears big time and am currently struggling with one for myself and some for family members. The issue is that I hate to go to the doctor. I almost feel like going to the dr makes it a sure thing.

I was wondering if anyone else struggles with not wanting to go to the dr and does anything help you rationalize why it’s good to go? Trying to stay off of google tonight so I’m posting here.’lol

27-07-19, 05:56
Yep, this is totally me. I'm so afraid of the doctor I once failed to seek help for a broken elbow.

Honestly, I tend to wait until the fear of the symptom gets worse than the fear of the doctor, but I wouldn't advise it as a strategy as sometimes that's taken me years ;)

27-07-19, 06:07
I just get weary of it is all (as per my post just along side this one). That said, had I skipped my physical two years ago, I would be dead right now. That was a wake up call for me to go ahead and go, dont skip it, and understand that when there is a problem, not going won't stop it from being there. Additionally, I have had almost no anxiety in dealing with that problem. Real problems are much different than imagined ones.

06-08-19, 19:50
I fear going to the doctor.....I fear any bad news they might tell me....

07-08-19, 20:19
Oh me too. It's he whole waiting two weeks for this result or one week for another result. All the waiting makes me into an anxious wreck.

always scared
07-08-19, 20:54
This is me!! I use to go to the doctors for everything but now that I am older and the odds of me having cancer are so much higher I am so terrified of going. This year has been very bad. :scared15: I have so many symptoms and am at the bottom of this HA rabbit hole with no hope of climbing out :weep: But I'm still so scared to go to the doctors. I don't know what's worse, knowing that you have a terminal illness or not knowing you have one. Both will kill me in the end. :wacko: I keep all my symptoms to myself not even my family know what I'm worried about. This forum is the only place I can talk to people.

07-08-19, 23:40
My current fear I have been suffering for 8 months.....some people said if I had PC I wouldnt be here now......I have a lot of weird symptoms......after all these months I'm too scared to go to the docter......

09-08-19, 14:07
I so agree! When i have been in the middle of a legitimate health crisis I deal with it so differently than the anxiety. I remember my surgeon saying to me after the surgery I had that he couldn’t understand how calm I was after what I had been like before....it’s because the anticipation was over and I was just dealing with the situation! Saying that I HATE going to the doctor for anything and will lose sleep over it, having panic attacks on the way there etc Like you said, some things are just too important to skip (and my psychologist always tells me pretty much anything is curable if you go to the doctor early), so I lean on mindfulness strategies and just do it