View Full Version : Gallstones ???

27-07-19, 08:55
For the last couple of days I have been getting bad pains in upper right abdomen going into my back.
I have had this a few times over the years and have had ultrasounds looking for gallstones but have been clear.
last ultrasound was two years ago. Had endoscopy in January , would this show gallstones ?
Still getting lower left abdomen pain , gp appointment in a week and half.
Whats going on ..

27-07-19, 18:00
I don’t think an endoscopy would show gallstones. My partner has them and the pain is so severe I’ve called an ambulance before. So if you can still go about your day then it probably isn’t that.
What did your endoscopy show?

31-07-19, 14:00
Saw gp on Monday; said might have gallstones
Waiting for ultrasound appointment and having blood tests on Friday.
last ultrasound was two years - NO gallstones.
Eating low fat but get pain at night.
Have another appointment with dr next Wednesday.
I have had a few scans over the years for same pain and they have always been clear..

01-08-19, 04:46
Could it be acid reflux? I’ve had similar pains and they lean more towards the left of my chest which is scary because then I worry about heart issues lol. But this has happened to me for a week or so and I was given PPIs from the doc. It took 5 days for the meds to work because of the amount of acid I had! Does it hurt when you press your breastbone at all? Does burping give you relief?