View Full Version : Tongue chewing in sleep

28-07-19, 11:38
I've been taking Paroxetine for about 6 months due to having GAD and have a bad habit of chewing my tongue in my sleep. I am worried that this could turn to cancer. My dentist did check it a while ago but it seemed to have improved and now my tongue is slightly swollen and you can see where I am chewing it. Sometimes I wake up with a pain in my tongue so I know I've been chewing again! :weep:

I have been told that I can have a mouthguard made but I cannot tolerate it due to having a bad gag reaction. Does anybody else have this problem and any suggestions appreciated. :unsure:

thank you.


28-07-19, 14:34
What dose are you on? Could you reduce it and see if that helps? Otherwise, you have to try the mouthguard.

As for it turning into cancer - this is highly unlikely and shouldn't be a concern.

29-07-19, 19:07
I take 30mg of Paroxetine every night. I agreed I may have to get the mouthguard.

Thank you for your reply.