View Full Version : Back to work tomorrow

28-07-19, 12:00
I’m going back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks off and my tummy has decided to start playing up again, the cramps and the feeling I haven’t finished a poo, I’m trying to tell myself this is classic ibs and anxiety! Can people tell me I’m right haha

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28-07-19, 12:02
It definitely is! It’s always worse when the anxiety is playing up. Hope your first day back goes well ��

28-07-19, 12:04
Thank you

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28-07-19, 13:21

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


28-07-19, 15:24
Of COURSE you are right ! Where do you think the phrase 'I was shi**ing myself!' comes from :roflmao:Nerves = bowel evacuation and tummy issues.

29-07-19, 10:36
I’m now at work and my tummy hurts a bit and cramping, I assume this is just the anxiety of being back at work?

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29-07-19, 12:15
Of course it is. You'll be fine :)

29-07-19, 12:37
I assume this is just the anxiety of being back at work?

You assume correctly.

29-07-19, 14:27
Just finished my 4 hour shift and it went well, stomach played up a bit but I managed to keep myself busy and plow through it

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29-07-19, 14:31
Great going! It'll gradually get easier from hereon out.

29-07-19, 18:51
Now trying to relax this evening, but my stomach feels so strange don’t know if I got worked up this morning about work and that’s why, just went to loo and my bowel movement was normal but feels like I need another one but I don’t

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29-07-19, 19:11
You're overthinking it. You're constantly focusing on this, so you feel weird, end of.

30-07-19, 11:18
I think I am just overthinking when I need the toilet, I’m like oh no it could be runny what if I can’t go, I just need to relax but it’s so hard

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30-07-19, 16:00
I’ve just been to the toilet for the first time today and was normal! But now I have that feeling in my gut and bottom that I need to go again :( that is classic ibs and anxiety yeah and i need to learn to accept and ignore it

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31-07-19, 23:50
It's definitely IBS... good luck with work. I was the same on holiday with the IBS symptoms etc but after I stopped obsessing over my stomach and bowels and got into the swing of things, my bowels went completely back to normal. Just relax

01-08-19, 10:56
Cheers Toby it’s just hard to concentrate on anything else, but my doctor said I will know when I need to go and it’s just fight or flight that’s making me feel like I need to, if I just accept it’s classic ibs and try and ignore it I should be ok

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01-08-19, 11:00
it’s just fight or flight that’s making me feel like I need to

I've said the same to you Jonny - the bowels are designed to be emptied in adrenaline situations, hence 'I was sh***ing myself' phrase that people use when they are very stressed.

01-08-19, 11:14
Ok so it’s deffo just anxiety induced ibs yes?

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01-08-19, 11:36
You know the answer Jonny. :winks:

....but to help you.....heres a link to reassure. (read all of it! It mentions feeling the fact that bowel movements are incomplete and you need to go again)


01-08-19, 12:14
It’s hard not to think about it when it’s constantly there though I’m trying to get on with my work but it’s so hard

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01-08-19, 12:19
The trick with this is learning to answer your own questions.

01-08-19, 12:46
I know I’ve also gone up to 150mg of sertraline now so I know I’m going to have side effects from that too, it’s all around my tummy I can deal with other side effects

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01-08-19, 14:01
So basically the reasons I’m having tummy troubles are:

My anxiety
Increase of dosage on sertraline to 150mg
Body sensitivity

I’ve had blood tests and stool tests to rule out other things

Please someone tell me this is correct I’m at work and I really don’t want to go home

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01-08-19, 14:04
You can't carry on like this, Jonny - it's not fair on you or us. Remember you're having a panic attack and reassure yourself accordingly.

01-08-19, 14:05
But I can deal with the other symptoms my tummy is just effecting me so much, and I just want a reasoning for it

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01-08-19, 14:15
You have the reasons, you've been given them countless times. Just re-read the thread.

01-08-19, 14:18
So basically the reasons I’m having tummy troubles are:

My anxiety
Increase of dosage on sertraline to 150mg
Body sensitivity

I’ve had blood tests and stool tests to rule out other things

Please someone tell me this is correct I’m at work and I really don’t want to go home

The key is to tell yourself this. You've had a dozen threads in the last month, dozens of reassuring replies and you're still seeking it :lac: Download the FREE CBT (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?211324-9-FREE-CBT-ebooks-for-Health-Anxiety) workbooks and do some self help.

Positive thoughts

01-08-19, 14:20
Blue is right, you have the reasons, and you've even repeated them yourself above. You have repeated the reasons for having tummy problems entirely correctly on here, now you just say them to yourself - over and over. You have CAUSE and EFFECT for the sudden stomach changes, and you know that in all our PMs and communication on this thread I have stated things to you exactly as your GP later has and recognise them myself. Read this thread again, and the other one about your stomach issues, the answers are all there.

I have had IBS for 30 years (started in my 20s, before it was probably even coined as IBS LOL); it is just something I live with, like all the others. Its benign, it causes no longer term issues and acceptance is needed. I also have intolerances to various foods, which have developed as I've become older, including high fat contents, garlic, onions, peppers, tomatoes and a few others, but those aren't the primary issues - levels of anxiety and stress cause most problems with my stomach and bowels. It just IS what it is, its not true illness (although it can cause gas, pain, odd stools, feeling sick blah blah) and it is something you just need to accept and get on with. You can buy pretty good IBS books online, which might help you to understand about gut mobility and the causes of constipation and loose motions. IBS can make you feel rubbish, sometimes I am frustrated and upset by it and feel crap, but I know that I just have to get on with it and time will sort it out. Why not order a book ?

01-08-19, 14:33
Thank you carys I know you’re right and you’ve been amazing to me through this it’s just last couple of days I’ve felt slight improvement and then bang it hits me again that’s where I fall and feel like I’m failing

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01-08-19, 14:44
You will get better days and worse days, you can get a few really bad days, then months with nothing, then a few months of low grade stuff, a day of terrible symptoms. Any pattern is possible Jonny, and sadly even your worrying about it now can make it happen and get worse. Just acceptance is needed and getting on with your life. I and others have had years of acceptance and dealing with it, so to be honest its boring and predictable, you haven't yet - and I hope you don't! I can understand how you can imagine, as you are new to this, that it 'must be something else' but it won't be.

01-08-19, 14:56
It’s just the stomach cramps and that urge like I need to poo constantly it’s really hard to accept it’s ibs

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01-08-19, 15:03
I think you may already have mentioned this. Going around in circles won't help.

01-08-19, 15:32
Can I take ibs medication with Setraline???

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01-08-19, 17:47
I’m out for food with my girlfriend but my stomach aches so much why is this happening to me :( I just want to feel normal I don’t want to eat anything And I feel like I need to poo but **** all comes out

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01-08-19, 17:55
You've got a bit of a stomach upset. It's not the end of the world, and it might ease up a bit if you stopped treating it as such.

01-08-19, 18:04
Its happening to you for reasons that you are aware of Jonny. It happens to loads of people, apparently 1 in 5 will have IBS in some shape or form in their lives. :winks:

01-08-19, 18:06
You really are overreacting, Jonny. You are using this thread for constant reassurance which will just encourage your reliance on NMP which is not a good thing. Don't over dramatise and try to normalise what is boring old IBS/anxiety?

01-08-19, 18:08
She's right, it is normal 'boring old' IBS - its a nuisance, its part of being a human being for many people, but its NOTHING SERIOUS. The sooner you accept that the easier it will be. Don't believe us - then believe your doctor who has talked through your symptoms and run a series of blood tests. Nothing showed, standard in IBS there is no test for it it is diagnosed by ruling other things out. The symptoms are IBS. Just get on with it, accept it. You are lucky, you have been told you don't have Crohns and you don't have ulcerative colitis, neither of them. Good news ey !

01-08-19, 18:50
I know it’s just learning to accept that’s all it is and it will get better with time and medication

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01-08-19, 19:03
I know it’s just learning to accept that’s all it is and it will get better with time and medication

It will get better and one thing that will definitely help is resisting the urge to seek reassurance. By being here reassurance seeking, what you're essentially doing is cheating on a diet. In order to defeat the dragon, you need to starve him. He wants all you can eat cookies and ice cream but he needs to eat salad.

Positive thoughts

01-08-19, 19:23
It will get better and one thing that will definitely help is resisting the urge to seek reassurance. By being here reassurance seeking, what you're essentially doing is cheating on a diet. In order to defeat the dragon, you need to starve him. He wants all you can eat cookies and ice cream but he needs to eat salad.

Positive thoughts

Or even nil by mouth.

01-08-19, 19:26
It’s hard to accept that something like ibs can create this pain and annoyance though, I feel like I’m being such a baby with this

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01-08-19, 19:36
It’s hard to accept that something like ibs can create this pain and annoyance though, I feel like I’m being such a baby with this

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IBS causes my mum and I so much pain that she openly admits it’s worse for her than having me naturally, it’s brought me out in cold sweats more than once, ultimately it’s not that bad though.

Just because something hurts doesn’t mean we need to look further than the obvious, you’ve had your answers.

Positive vibes,


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01-08-19, 19:47
It’s hard to accept that something like ibs can create this pain and annoyance though, I feel like I’m being such a baby with this

Respectfully, you are. I was on Zoloft for depression (100mg for 6 months). It messed with my stomach/bowels for a few weeks but it leveled out. I was also in one-on-one therapy. The benefit far outweighed the "inconvenience" (and that's all this really is). Ever since treatment for cancer, my bowels have been a mess. From constipation to the runs and everything in-between. My doctor seems to think that I have some mild IBS and that wouldn't surprise me based on the levels of stress in my life. I DEAL WITH IT! My wife and I both suffer with reflux and we follow the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/)diet. It really helps. I know I've suggested this before.

Look... these are words on a screen. You either follow the advice or stay where you're at. It's up to you. There's a difference between helping someone and enabling them. You're on the border line. Log off. It's easy enough for anyone to see when you log in or not. Do it for at least a day. No log in, no reassurance seeking posts. LIVE without the reassurance. There are many here that cannot and will not... they're just too mentally ill. I don't believe that's that case with you. Prove to me, them and yourself it's possible.

Positive thoughts

01-08-19, 19:58
Cheers fish, so with my increase to 150mg you think that’s played some part in the increase of anxiety and messing with my guts?

After tonight I will log off for the weekend

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01-08-19, 20:08
Cheers fish, so with my increase to 150mg you think that’s played some part in the increase of anxiety and messing with my guts?

After tonight I will log off for the weekend

Yes and BIWISI ;)

Positive thoughts

01-08-19, 20:34
So I’m logging out and putting this down to;

Me overthinking things

Can I get a yes and I’ll log out haha

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01-08-19, 20:41
Jonny, sometimes things feel overwhelming, I know. Sometimes when you are depressed/anxious or any assortment of those, you feel vulnerable and scared and reach out to try and relieve the fear. I understand that this is where your pleas comes from.

I don't agree with the 'enabler' words of Fish above (you will on this forum get all sorts of different perspectives and that is fine), I personally believe in trying to get a person to the point where they can self-reassure (in the real world of therapy there isn't a time-scale on things, all people are individuals). I think you are part way there with learning to self-talk - you are already saying the right words and then typing them out here and seeing if we agree. The next step is to bit by bit say those words aloud to yourself instead of typing them here. The forum is here for a reason and if it helps you through this rough patch then thats a positive, but it must also form part of a forward plan. The forward plan should be to learn the skills to deal with your HA, and just getting reassurance isn't enough to move forward. Our reassurance will alleviate the feelings for a short period of time, but a few hours later you will feel panicked again, and once the IBS is over there may well be another situation/illness.

Why not make a list of reasons why you only have IBS and the reasons for having it ? Sit down and bullet point everything. I'll start...

1. I have had blood tests, they showed nothing out of the ordinary. Blood tests would pick up serious bowel conditions.
2. I have seen a doctor who has heard my symptoms and says I have IBS.
3. I am currently stressed and anxious, this will cause the stomach problems I am experiencing.
4. Other people have IBS, and they agree my symptoms are the same as theirs.

You get the idea.......only list the reasons that you DON'T have some sinister bowel issue. Look back through your last few threads and abstract the points others have made, the reassurance, the confirmations. Then when you feel the need to ask people around you for reassurance, look at your list, read things back to yourself as many times as you need. :o

01-08-19, 20:42
Nil by mouth from me. Have a good weekend, Jonny. You don't need us because you can answer your question yourself.

01-08-19, 20:45
Thank you carys, your totally right!!!

I know deep down this is ibs and anxiety I just need to keep telling myself that

It can be very overwhelming and knowing I have you guys here does help

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01-08-19, 20:45
So I’m logging out and putting this down to;

Me overthinking things

Can I get a yes and I’ll log out haha

Not answering it Jonny. This has been answered many many times, and you DO know the answers already.

I would like to see your list, which I've started for you above, next time you log on - ok. :yesyes: You can also order yourself a book on IBS if you fancy it.

01-08-19, 20:56
Nil by mouth from me. Have a good weekend, Jonny. You don't need us because you can answer your question yourself.

Thank you for not enabling. You've been there, done that so you know.... ;)

Positive thoughts

01-08-19, 21:23
Thank you for not enabling.


01-08-19, 21:26
I’m sorry guys for being a pain on here, I know I’ve been over dramatic but you guys honestly do help me and I feel a complete loser for worrying about tummy ache and ibs but it’s my worry

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01-08-19, 21:31
YOu aren't a pain Jonny, you are struggling right now.......you aren't the first (by many thousands) and you won't be the last (by many thousands)

However, you aren't let off that list ?! I MEAN IT :roflmao:DO IT! Moving forward, learning skills stuff.....

01-08-19, 22:26
Reasons i don’t have anything serious;

Bloods tests ruled out anything serious
Poo sample test too
My doctor who is the main doctor in Norfolk told me 100% crohns
Been told by many people it’s ibs and anxiety
Medication makes it worse
I have moments I do feel better

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01-08-19, 23:13

Thank you Carys. I'm asking publicly to refrain from quoting, referencing, implying or replying to my posts. Thank you.

Positive thoughts

02-08-19, 00:45
I'm asking publicly to refrain from quoting, referencing, implying or replying to my posts.

I'm asking publically that you quit calling people trying to help others 'enablers' in an underhand way.

There's a difference between helping someone and enabling them.

It is offensive and these last few pages have contained carefully chosen provocation and digs, covered with carefully positioned politeness.

You've been there, done that so you know.... https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/smilies/wink.png

Digs like this one above for example. Funnily enough, I have also more than 'been there' in fairly major ways, but then you know that...... This will certainly be the last time I respond to anything you say, or reference or quote or even acknowledge. I expect the same in return from you, including those baiting 'digs'.

Positive thoughts.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________

Sorry Jonny, happy to continue via PM to help with your ongoing support and recovery. This 'argument' has nothing to do with you at all, so I apologise for these last few posts. I won't be back on the thread though for the time being, but will check PMs :o

02-08-19, 09:54
Thank you carys for your continued support

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03-08-19, 14:49
I feel really really anxious today my stomach is in knots, my heart is racing I was ok yesterday but today is a really bad day, is this a side effect of going up to 150mg on sertraline I’ve been on the 150mg for a week now I thought I was getting better

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03-08-19, 18:24
My anxiety today is through the roof, the nervous tummy feeling is horrible, I’m 3 weeks into sertraline with a increase on dosage each week my tummy is doing flips I need some support that I can get through this please

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03-08-19, 20:04

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

03-08-19, 20:51
Reasons i don’t have anything serious;

Bloods tests ruled out anything serious
Poo sample test too
My doctor who is the main doctor in Norfolk told me 100% crohns
Been told by many people it’s ibs and anxiety
Medication makes it worse
I have moments I do feel better

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You wrote this, Jonny but now you have to believe it. It's pointless otherwise.

03-08-19, 21:36
Also, heres a few more for your list posted by Pulisa above, repeat them to yourself all of them -

Anxiety causes exactly my symptoms; fight or flight - adrenaline disrupts normal GI tract movement, sometimes severly and makes bowels evacuate or causes disruption to digestion and gut flora.
Lots of people who experience the same, recognise my symptoms quite clearly and share that same experience and feelings.
I don't actually have the specific symptoms which are found in Ulcerative colitis or Crohns,either of them.
I have had fears and obsessions about my health before, and I was wrong about that also.
Part of HA is not believing medical professionals, and that is what I am doing now.
I am thinking about my bowels all the time, and not accepting its IBS so its making it worse and making it continue.

04-08-19, 02:22
Just to chime in on top of the above...

Sertraline takes just under 7 days to reach steady-start in your blood plasma. Increasing weekly means you are going to be unbalancing it for those 3 weeks alone but the increasing dosage will be increasing the saturation of the drug and increasing any side effects.

Take someone already anxious, who is anxious about GI issues, and give them a drug that has GI issues as one of it's most common side effects and the result is things like this. So, right now you need to tell yourself this is not a clear cut issue and anything is being masked by side effects therefore you don't judge anything until after you are through the side effect window.

But it might be worth having a chat with your GP about the increases as that's quite steep. They may want you on higher dosages but they should be reviewing you regularly to ensure you are coping. There is no reason they can't space those increases out, they should know making it this steep is going to be a harder experience.

04-08-19, 10:51
Terry so do you think the tablets are the main culprit in the spike of anxiety and gI issues

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04-08-19, 13:29
150mg is a high dose so I expect increased anxiety is a temporary side effect until it stabilises, which usually takes several weeks.

As Terry says, you should be monitored closely during this time, but unfortunately that doesn't always happen.

Speak to your GP if you're concerned about anxiety getting worse or if you get intrusive thoughts.

04-08-19, 13:43
Yea I’m seeing GP tomorrow, the anxiety isn’t as bad today just my stomach is a bit all over the place today and I just cannot sleep

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05-08-19, 02:14
150mg is a high dose so I expect increased anxiety is a temporary side effect until it stabilises, which usually takes several weeks.

As Terry says, you should be monitored closely during this time, but unfortunately that doesn't always happen.

Speak to your GP if you're concerned about anxiety getting worse or if you get intrusive thoughts.

And to add to what KK says each dose adjustment means the body has to balance again and get used to the drug at the new volume. We normally say 4-6 weeks on places like these forums and that clock is affecting by adjustments.

The worst may be towards the start or it could be later as the drug has ramped up, it's very individual, and some can't tolerate higher dosages.

For doctors the have to consider a longer approach meaning less relief to an already struggling patient or the quick start approach with the possibility of a more severe reaction of anxiety.

If you were not on antidepressants before there is also the longer term downregulation affect of them which can take a month or wo to start. This is also why some may be having side effects long after the steady state has been reached. Once past that it should be more balanced.

05-08-19, 13:32
I’m on week 2 of 150mg of sertraline after starting 4 weeks ago on 50mg for one week then two weeks on 100mg and now 150mg

My anxiety goes through waves one minute I’ll feel find for example yesterday was brilliant and I felt like my old self again but I’m back at work today full time and my anxiety is bad and my stomach is in bits

I’m trying to tell myself it’s just because the anxiety of being back at work full time and not the comfort of my bed

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06-08-19, 19:04
Hey I don’t know if the chills that I’m feeling are down to anxiety or sertraline?

Only came on yesterday but i keep getting cold chills through but then being really warm, I was at work for 9 hours and didn’t feel it once the minute I get home it comes on again

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06-08-19, 19:57

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

07-08-19, 09:22
After such a amazing day yesterday with no stomach issues, just some issues with feeling chilly, I had so much positivity went to bed and had an ok nights sleep, woke up today and I feel anxious again :( my stomach is playing up, my stools were normal although it stings now and feel like it wasn’t complete, this anxiety and medication is mentally draining it was my first full 9 hour shift yesterday and I have another one today

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07-08-19, 12:32
Really trying hard to push through today, I don’t get how it can be so up and down, I felt like my old self yesterday and now I feel crap again, my tummy is bubbling like mad [emoji30][emoji30][emoji30][emoji30]

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07-08-19, 13:06
Really trying hard to push through today, I don’t get how it can be so up and down, I felt like my old self yesterday and now I feel crap again, my tummy is bubbling like mad [emoji30][emoji30][emoji30][emoji30]

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So keep pushing through, as it's all you can do right now. If the higher dose is going to help, you should start to get more good days than bad.

Stay positive ;)

07-08-19, 13:11
I know but it’s just my stomach constantly feels on edge and it’s hard to remain positive when it’s like this

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07-08-19, 14:24
Try to keep things in perspective, Jonny. You've got a "bubbly" stomach. It's manageable and you can carry on working.

07-08-19, 14:28
You’re right I know I can, it’s just for me I have to have a reason for everything and thinking this is down to anxiety and my new antidepressant is hard to believe for me

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07-08-19, 14:30
So don't put it down to anything. Treat it as insignificant? You can carry on working..you know you can and will!

07-08-19, 14:33
You don't need an explanation for every symptom. When you over-analyse you just get stuck in an HA mindset.

07-08-19, 14:41
I know but it’s making me feel so trapped, like literally just having a upset tummy is making me miserable I don’t get it

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08-08-19, 09:46
Who else here suffers with morning anxiety? Like they wake up and have that knot feeling in stomach! It’s horrible

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08-08-19, 10:59
Yes I get that. Not every day but sometimes over a period of days. Feel like my stomach has been flipping and got stuck. Also rib cage really tight when I wake like someone is squeezing me. Has calmed down now but I get night anxiety too 🙄 Have a post in GAD section. Breathe, get moving, keep busy and find a way to go to bed calm has helped me a little.

08-08-19, 11:33
Same it’s horrible it makes me feel like I need to poo and my stomach is really tight I’m new onto medication so the increase in anxiety from that hasn’t helped

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08-08-19, 12:11
Oh yes. Know that feeling only too well. And then the HA kicks in and I’m imagining all sorts of horrible things that must be going on in my insides. And that, of course, makes things a whole lot worse. Repeat ad infinitum and I’m into a whole world of crap.

Am currently taking 45mg Mirtazapine and 10mg Escitalopram in the hope that at least one of them might bring some relief. As a lifelong cynic I very much regret that CBT is a non starter for me.

08-08-19, 13:50
Just spoke to my gp, he said it’s just a manifestation of my anxiety are the tummy troubles and I have to give sertraline time to work and the more I think I need a poo the more likely I’ll spend on the loo

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08-08-19, 16:54
We have asked several times that you stick to this one post and not keep creating new ones so any future ones will be closed as when we keep merging threads it can break the whole thread.


08-08-19, 17:40
We have asked several times that you stick to this one post and not keep creating new ones so any future ones will be closed as when we keep merging threads it can break the whole thread.


Apologises I assumed as it was a new topic on morning anxiety it would be a new thread?

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08-08-19, 17:49
It is all about the same thing though overall

10-08-19, 08:20
I literally cannot stand this morning nervous belly anymore :( I don’t even feel that anxious but I wake up and my stomach is in knots

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10-08-19, 09:23
Well, you have to 'stand it' Jonny, its part of what you are right now, and part of your physical reactions to your mental state. You wrote a list on another thread about 'things I've been convinced I have', and a list of illnesses, and on each and every one of those you were fully obsessively focused. Now, you are fully and obsessively focused on this bodily change, the more you give it space in your thoughts - the worse it will feel to you.

10-08-19, 09:31
Thanks carys, I had a completely normal bowel movement today and that urge to poo feeling is still there but my girlfriend said it’s not an urge to poo it’s my anxiety and once I accept that the easier it will get,

I just don’t understand why I wake up and immediately have this sinking nervous tummy when I don’t actually feel that anxious

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11-08-19, 13:11
Really struggling today, I had such a good night last night I felt hungry happy and content and my tummy was fine, today I’ve woke up so anxious and my stomach is in bits I am just about ready to give up

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11-08-19, 13:46
today I’ve woke up so anxious and my stomach is in bits I am just about ready to give up

Anxiety being worse in the morning is quite common, very common actually, its talked about on here often. It isn't surprising that it therefore follows that your stomach will also be worse in the morning. The good news is that it (stomach) can be fine, and you can be fine, as you had a good night last night. Claire Weekes (author) in the olden days used to call this 'glimpsing' - periods where you feel ok, often followed by feeling despondent that you have gone back to the difficult emotions.

I think you should feel encouraged today that yesterday evening/night was so good, and that it is a matter of time before those periods become longer and more frequent. If I was you, I'd just expect at the moment that mornings will be your bad time, but reassure yourself that as the day progresses things will improve. You are now also expecting your anxiety and stomach to be worse in the morning, and it will be a self-fulfilling results (almost like you have trained yourself - brain says 'its morning, I will feel anxious and have a bad stomach, because I always do')

Accept it, get up and get going - don't give yourself time to think over it. I know it doesn't feel nice, but the sooner you get some endorphins moving and start the day the quicker the 'morning anxiety' will resolve. Have a plan of action for the mornings - e.g. get straight up, make a cup of tea, do some exercises, put a load of washing in, plan your evening meal....basically don't sit and dwell on those morning feelings.

11-08-19, 13:49
Thank you, I only feel anxious because my tummy is in knots, some days the anxiety stays there and other days it fades, certainly last night was a lot better just I get so despondent when the symptoms come back just as I think I’m getting better

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11-08-19, 13:56
'Glimpsing' - its a good sign, it means that you are inching in the right direction. The episodes of normality will become longer in time. I know that feeling of desperation when you had a period of feeling ok, and even during feeling ok you are still thinking 'wow I feel ok, I feel ok, I feel ok', and therefore its not surprising that it can crash back to anxiety again as your focus is still on anxiety, because you are focused on finally feeling ok. Does this make sense ? I know what I mean lol

11-08-19, 14:03
Yea that does make sense, it’s just when my anxiety has been over stomach issues and then my anxiety makes my stomach issues worse it’s so hard to be positive

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11-08-19, 18:21
I just want this constant anxiety in my tummy to go! It’s really getting me down, why did last night I feel so good and now like an anxious mess

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11-08-19, 18:29
Because it's Sunday night. Sundays tend to be horrendous for anxiety symptoms.

11-08-19, 18:48
I don’t know if it’s my sertraline making it worse but it’s been constant today and won’t shift

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12-08-19, 07:56
I feel so anxious my stomach is in knots I got about an hours sleep, I’m so sick of it all I just can’t do this anymore

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12-08-19, 12:25
I feel so anxious my stomach is in knots I got about an hours sleep, I’m so sick of it all I just can’t do this anymore

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Are you at work, Jonny? Sounds to me like stress is getting better of you. Not ideal but you might need more time off to recover properly.

When are you seeing your doc next? You should mention mood and problem you have sleeping.

12-08-19, 12:26
Yea I am but I feel better at work, it’s when I’m at home laying around I feel rubbish

He’s ringing me today

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