View Full Version : Bottom of the rabbit hole

always scared
28-07-19, 18:18
I think I may have reached the bottom. :wall: I am in a place I have not been before. I am in constant state of worry. Every pain I feel that does not go away or feel better in a week is Cancer :scared15:
I spend as much time alone as I can. I no longer want to be with anyone. I much rather spend my day in my room. My family is starting to notice something is wrong. I no longer want to do anything. I have no motivation to even get up and clean my house or go out in public. I feel like this is the end and I just can't snap out of it. I know you all are going to say is... Go to the doctors but I can't. I am so terrified of doctors now. They only give out bad news and death sentences. They never have anything good to say. I'd love to hear from anyone who has been at the bottom and has managed to start the climb out.
Thanks for listening to my worries
Mary :meh:

28-07-19, 18:28
Hi Mary,

I just wanted you to know you aren’t alone. I am in a similar place and I hear you. I have climbed out before and have been good for 3 years but have been a bit blindsided lately. You will get better. Have you considered meds for a little while?


28-07-19, 18:39
Have you considered meds for a little while?

That was going to be my suggestion but you have to get a prescription from the doctor. Have you looked into contacting the Canadian Mental Health Association? (https://cmha.ca/) Reaching out here is helpful in knowing you're not alone but real life help is what's needed and warranted. I personally got that way with depression after my 1st heart attack. I sought help and it was the best thing I could have done.

Positive thoughts

28-07-19, 20:56
Hi Mary.

I'm sorry you're feeling so awful. I'm not sure how your health system works, but could you phone a doctor if you don't feel up to going to see one? Face to face is better, but it might be an option for you. Doctors absolutely and definitely do not always give out bad news.
There is a route out of the rabbit hole. It isn't easy, but will be easier with help, I.e therapy/meds. Years ago I developed panic disorder and agoraphobia. I didn't know what it was and so didn't know how to help myself, so it got pretty bad and I hit the bottom of the rabbit hole. I saw no way out and thought my life was over (I was 22). Eventually we figured it out, I got meds and started CBT, and it was hard work, but now I find it hard to believe how bad it was. I still have anxiety issues from time to time, but it's nothing like it was then when it was in control of my life. My point is that lots of us have hit the bottom and climbed out again. It's tough but you can do it. Please call your doctor.

29-07-19, 19:45
I think I may have reached the bottom. :wall: I am in a place I have not been before. I am in constant state of worry. Every pain I feel that does not go away or feel better in a week is Cancer :scared15:
I spend as much time alone as I can. I no longer want to be with anyone. I much rather spend my day in my room. My family is starting to notice something is wrong. I no longer want to do anything. I have no motivation to even get up and clean my house or go out in public. I feel like this is the end and I just can't snap out of it. I know you all are going to say is... Go to the doctors but I can't. I am so terrified of doctors now. They only give out bad news and death sentences. They never have anything good to say. I'd love to hear from anyone who has been at the bottom and has managed to start the climb out.
Thanks for listening to my worries
Mary :meh:

Please contact someone. Anyone. Fishmanpa has given you a link I would advise that you use it. I also advise tellung a family member or friend how you feel.

If you go to the doctors for anxiety then the worst they will say is that you need meds and to start counselling.

I went on meds for anxiety and after around 2 to 4 weeks i noticed the difference. Please force yourself to go to the docs. You will be glad you did on this occasion.