View Full Version : Anxiety about sleep and future plans.

28-07-19, 23:51
Hi all. It’s been a while since I posted here. Basically before a night out a few weeks ago I couldn’t sleep down to nerves and feeling like I needed a good night sleep otherwise I wouldn’t enjoy the night which resulted into me panicking that I couldn’t sleep and having no sleep!! The next day on my friends hen all I did was have panic attacks and it was awful. I think this was due to lack of sleep. I’ve always been an anxious person but lately when I have plans now I worry so much the night before that I won’t sleep and then of course I panic and the next day I don’t enjoy the day like I wanted to! Has anyone ever had this problem and how do you over come it? It’s honestly getting me so down! I feel like I’ve developed social anxiety and it makes me want to stay in the house every single day. I think I just need someone to talk to and some reassurance. Thanks for whoever reads and takes time out of their night. X

29-07-19, 07:22
You're talking about the kind of days I used to have all the time before I was medicated. My GAD would keep my mind constantly swimming as I tried to go to sleep, so that I couldn't sleep, and then my lack of sleep would make me more irritable and more anxious the next day, sometimes resulting in attacks if I had something stressful going on.

What are you doing right now to work on this? Are you practicing sleep hygiene? No caffeine after noon, no electronics and hour before bed, using a white noise machine/fan, cool environment, etc?

30-07-19, 00:14
When you say medicated what do you mean? The doctor has give me on anti depressants I’m currently on Citalopram. I feel exactly the same, my mind does 100mph and then I can’t rest. I only drink a cup of tea in the mornings so I don’t have much caffeine. I have my windows open every night which does help sometimes. What tips do u advise ?

30-07-19, 00:44
Yes, I'm on 20 mg of Lexapro daily, and it's cut down on the before-sleep rumination considerably, though there are some nights that I still have some trouble, so I take a benadryl or two to put me out.

How long have you been on the antidepressants? What dosage?

The best sleep hygiene you can practice is to have a normal routine: a consistent bedtime and wake time with about 7-9 hours of sleep. It will not only aide your body in falling asleep, but it will help with your antidepressants too, especially if you can also take the antidepressants around the same time each day.

Some other good tips for sleep hygiene are:
--No alcohol/marijuana. A good diet will help you sleep and make you feel better in general, plus help with your antidepressant.
--Regular exercise. Nothing makes you more tired than a good workout. Some people love yoga before bed.
--White noise or a fan if you're a light sleeper.
--A comfort object, like a favorite pillow or blanket or stuffed animal.
--Journaling before bed and getting out those worries before you start to ruminate and keeping it by the bed in case you think of something else while you're lying there.
--Showering before bed
--Making the hour before bed a calming time...no brain stimulating activities like reading the news or surfing the web or social media

30-07-19, 12:23
I’m on Citalopram but they make me more anxious some days but doctor said to keep on with them. I’ve only been on them 3 weeks so I know they may take a little longer to work? I’m on a 20mg dosage, he also gave me zoplicone but I haven’t took that as I find that it makes me feel awful the next day and that makes me more anxious lol. Does that make any sense? Il try the journal that sounds like a good idea, I really do try to cut down the screen time but I use my mobile to chat on here lol. I always showr in the mornings so I might change in to night, does that help? Thanks for your reply and all your advice. So appreciated. Hope your well. Speak soon. X

30-07-19, 18:13
Yes, 3 weeks is too short of a time to know the full effect. These drugs only work by building up in your system over time. And you may need to adjust the dosage or even cross taper to a different SSRI or add buspar. It take some trial and error to find the right med, med combo, and/or dosage for you. But once you find the right combo, it can do wonders.

30-07-19, 23:25
Ah okay. Il maybe ask my gp. Thanks for replying to me

31-07-19, 00:17
I've had this exact thing. Oh I must get a good sleep or I'll be ill/not function or have a terrible time! What helped me is realising even if we don't sleep, we'll be alright really. My psychologist at the time asked me if I was carrying out brain surgery the next day. I said no, and she said well you don't need to worry about a great sleep then do you! Our body can function pretty well with little sleep, so don't freak in future if you can't, just accept we have crappy sleeps sometimes and I think you'll feel better. I also have struggled with social anxiety over the past year, totally new to me. I avoided my friends for like 6 months but eventually they got me out and I'm doing better for it. Try not to give into it too much, I found it perpetuates the issue. I'm by no means over it, but trying to say yes to social events now instead of avoiding X

31-07-19, 23:43
Ahh Thankyou for replying! I’m the same I will be fine but when I have plans the next day I end up panicking and lying there wide awake! Which then of course the next day ruins my mood and makes my anxiety worse! I think I’ve realised too I have some sort of social anxiety I’m much happier indoors I very rarely go out because it just makes me anxious. Really hoping I start to snap out of this. So glad your on the mend though! Well done x