View Full Version : Blocked Ear (2 Weeks)

30-07-19, 18:31
I've frustratingly had a blocked left ear for about 2 weeks now. I've had problems with wax build up before, but it's normally cleared itself in a few days, but it's been blocked over 2 weeks now. :(

& When I say I've tried everything, I've tried everything. Copious amounts of warm olive oil, otex ear drops, earex ear drops, saline spray up the nose, various techniques to try and pop my ears...nothing has worked. I went to the doctor about a week ago and he said he couldn't see my ear drums in either ear (which surprised me as my right ear seems fine.) for wax! He gave me something called Waxsol...and yep, you've guessed it, that didn't work either :( I'm at the end of my tether and it was even the reason why I failed driving test as I couldn't hear what the examiner was telling me and did something wrong and then panicked about it and ruined the test :( It also lost me a job as I had a do a work trial like it and I just felt miserable and didn't really do my best because of it.

I'm just feeling miserable now and worried that the hearing loss is permanent. There's a constant whooshing and 'ooooooooo' noise in it now too and it's close to driving me insane. I can't just can't fathom why nothing has worked, short of putting bleach or drain cleaner down there, I'm at a loss. I've bitten the bullet and chosen the last resort and arranged an appointment for syringing, which I'm also now panicking about.

Can anyone tell me what the syringing will be like? Has anyone got any new tips or tricks to unclog or ease the discomfort in my ear in the meantime? & Also, the big health anxiety worry kicking in now as I seem to be burning up slightly....can an ear infection spread to the brain? I don't want to google this as I know I'll freak out.

Thank you.

30-07-19, 18:36
I've had my ears syringed before; they use warm water and it's honestly no big deal.

30-07-19, 18:38
Thank you. I remember watching my Mum have it done when I was a kid in the 90's and it was a huge plunger type thing...wasn't pleasant for her at all...so I was hoping things had a come a long way since then.

30-07-19, 18:42
I probably had it done in the 90s? The warm water definitely feels odd but it didn't hurt in the least.

30-07-19, 19:32
It doesn’t hurt at all, I can’t remember feeling anything really.

30-07-19, 20:04
Not all GP surgeries do it now so you would have to check with yours.

30-07-19, 20:07
Thank you. I remember watching my Mum have it done when I was a kid in the 90's and it was a huge plunger type thing...wasn't pleasant for her at all...so I was hoping things had a come a long way since then.

Come a long way how? The plunger is just a container for the warm liquid. It's not being forced into the ear. You won't feel a thing.

30-07-19, 20:37
I know what she means about the plunger. It was a huge metal syringe type thing and they used to fill it with water and squirt it in the ear. Nowadays it is a tiny thing they use.

30-07-19, 20:52
Yes, it was a big metal thing they used on my Mum. The nurse must have been a little rough as she certainly didn't enjoy the experience and my Dad ended up with a bust ear drum when he had it done, so that's why I'm concerned really.

30-07-19, 20:53
I think as long as you do the ear drops/olive oil for 2 weeks then it makes it a lot easier.

30-07-19, 22:48
As I said before check they even do it first.

01-08-19, 01:38
Don't worry about it.my children get that too.we went so many times to have it syringed that the G.P actually taught me how to do it. I got all the equipment and do it regularly for my children and husband.If I can do it I am sure the doctor can. 🙂

01-08-19, 01:41
You could try to lie down on a hot water bottle or something to open up the ear canal a little bit will ease any pain you have.If you have an infection you will definitely know.it will REALLY hurt.and even if you do get an infection ear drops will cure you.it will not spread to your brain.🙂