View Full Version : Lung cancer

31-07-19, 20:48
I'm so worried I have lung cancer, I'm a 32 year old female and used to smoke but have had a ecig for 4 or 5 years. I wake up every night from 1am onwards with a dull ache in my mid to upper back, I really struggle to get comfy again, this has been going on months, although some nights it doesn't happen. I looked on Google and apparently upper back pain through the night is a massive red flag. I can't even bring myself to go the doctors as ive managed to give myself a phobia of going incase I get told im dying. I'm having panic attacks when I think about it. My husband thinks I'm being stupid and that I just make problems for myself.
Anyway thanks for reading, I don't know what I wanted from this post but it's made me feel slightly better just getting off my chest

31-07-19, 21:26
I am as certain as I can be that a trip to the dr will not result in you being told you are dying! Go and get checked out, there are all sorts of things that can cause back pain- including anxiety.

31-07-19, 22:53
Maybe you need a new bed/mattress

31-07-19, 23:02
A quick check with your doctor wouldn’t hurt. But yeah, maybe a new mattress wouldn’t hurt either ;)

01-08-19, 04:43
It’s statistically incredibly unlikely for you to have lung cancer at such a young age! Even as an ex-smoker. I think the rate is close to 0.9 out of a 100,000! So that would be super rare. However, I’m wondering if it’s your pillow or mattress causing you pain. It can be something else like acid reflux. I would get it checked out because it sounds like something that is bothering you and has been happening for far too long. It’s disturbing your sleep and causing you pain. I am sure it can be fixed :) And the best thing is that it’s very unlikely to be anything serious as it has been happening for a while already!