View Full Version : Had enough now...

31-07-19, 23:57
This could be a long one so bear with me...

For goodness knows how many years now, I have suffered with headaches/pressure. I actually don't call them headache, they are more head pains as they are usually very short lived, few seconds maybe a minute at a time.

The pressure happens usually when i go from sitting to standing and is my whole head. More recently back of head and right side.

They went away for a long time ( months rather than years) but they're back with a vengeance.

They are primarily on the right side of my head, side and top. Sometimes neck pain aswell but rarely. I also get strange dizzy spells, bit like I am on a boat.

I have seen countless Drs over the years who all say, its muscle or anxiety related!

Yesterday, I had a strange episode when I came over funny, went light headed, my ears rang and a tingling/numbness came over my face. I felt really sick for a period after but I took myself off to cool down ( the office was very stuffy) and i felt okay after that.

I get the pressure laying down, when I go sitting to standing, whenever it feels like it basically. I do also get some pressure in my face which I've put down to sinuses as I have chronic rhinitis. But I don't think this is causing the pressure/head pains

I am just so worried this is a brain tumour or aneurysm and no one has taken me seriously all these years and that i'll just die.

I try to rationalise it that its to do with my neck and certain positions trigger the headache/make it stop but I cannot 100% convince myself.

Has anyone else experienced similar and it turned out to be nothing to worry about?

I feel like i don't live my life fully because of it!

01-08-19, 21:27
Hi Wendy,

Your head pains sound a lot like they're coming from your neck muscles. I have cervicogenic headaches which are triggered from tight neck muscles, and I can tell you they are some of the most intense pains I've ever experienced. I was convinced it was a brain bleed about to happen but MRI was clean. They creep up one side of my head and even make my eye throb with pain sometimes. I get pressure and dizziness and stabbing pains in my head with them. You might have a milder version of this, or simple neuralgia as a result of nerve irritation there. Anxiety can also increase the sensations your feeling.

It can sometimes feel like muscles can't possibly be the culprit when you feel awful pains in your head, pressure and even dizziness, but I've had them all and it was from sitting my with head too far forward while I worked. At the base of the skull where it meets your neck, there are lots and lots of nerves that are easily irritated and can send all manner of sensations to your head, including weird off balance feelings, pressure and jolts of pain. The muscles there do a lot of work holding your head up, so they can get really easily fatigued.

"I try to rationalise it that its to do with my neck and certain positions trigger the headache/make it stop "
I think you're onto something there!

06-08-19, 09:54
Thank You for your reply.

My anxiety over this has settled quite a bit this week (now I have something else to worry about!) it's never ending