View Full Version : Tips for Too Much Excitement?

19-09-07, 04:42
Hi guys and gals,

I was wondering if anyone had any tips to calm or bring oneself down from too much "GOOD" excitment? It's kind of weird because it was a positive excitment but it was so intense it threw me into palps and almost hit a PA. :mad:

I was waiting in the back of the staduim to see if I could meet any of the American Idols. There weren't that many people there but every time someone would come out of the bus my heart would beat faster and faster--you know, excitement, even though it wasn't anyone but roadies and stuff. Until after about ten minutes of waiting there I just lost it and couldn't take it anymore, palps and all, and made a quick escape for the car. I realized that if I'm already this hyped up, heart rate maxed out and they're not even out yet, what's going to happen WHEN they come out? I'm guilty of always whipping up myself into a frenzy for no reason especially when it comes to wanting to see a celeb or somebody famous, and...I did it again. Now I wonder what will happen if I accidentally really DO meet someone famous? Or want to?

I thought I would lose it when actually going to the show when they come out the first time, but instead it was quite pleasant and I enjoyed myself. What a 180, huh? Hours later, I can type this and feel absolutely silly about freaking out, I can only barely reason my feelings then. For the couple hours beforehand I was seriously worried if I was even going to make it to the concert. I think what the difference was once I knew I was okay with 'seeing' them at that first moment the show started and not getting a PA, feeling fine and not crazy hyped up, I was able to let go and really enjoy.

So now I was wondering how NOT to whip myself up into a frenzy and shock myself when I realize just how fast my heart is beating and how much adrenaline I'm pouring into myself, even if it is a positive excitement. I just wish I wasn't so high strung...:weep:

19-09-07, 10:11
Hi Gryphoenix,

It is strange isnt it that something you are really looking forward to and you know that you would really enjoy can make you so scared. I took my kids to the circus last year when i was having a good period, and i loved it, i laughed all the way through and watching the high wire made my heart race but it didnt scare me. This year we got tickets again and while i was really looking forward to it as soon as we got there and i saw the high wire my heart started to race exactly the same as last year, only this time instead of my head saying wow this is really exciting again it started with the little voice "your heart is racing, that cant be good" then i started to feel hot and realised it was starting to get crowded and i was out of there and another planned night was over. I now find this reaction happens no matter what emotion i am feeling and my body cant seem to tell the difference between good and bad adrenaline, even laughing at a good joke or watching a comedy sets me off.

Jacq x

10-10-07, 04:44
Whew, I thought I was the only one there. It's sad, isn't it?

We used to enjoy things and enjoy the rush, and now it just feels like the old plain evil adrenaline and there's no distinguishing it. I remember the same thing happened when I was watching a movie, too, Transformers. Near the climax when the boy was running, I was getting hot and flushed and scared because I was like "Oh no, my heart's beating faster and I can't take much more of this excitement! If this climax part takes any longer my heart will give out!" Which is absolutely silly of course, but my heart beating fast for a long period on end is quite unnerving to me. And movies are *supposed* to make you feel that way.
