View Full Version : Indigestion/ acid reflux. What are your symptoms ?

01-08-19, 11:04
Hey everyone!

Personally I’ve suffered with indigestion for years, but it’s nothing like what I always imagined it was?! What are your symptoms? I’ve taken lansoprazole on and off for a long time now, but my symptoms mainly are a almost stinging sensation in my stomach just between my ribs, sometimes a tightening and like something is trying to force it’s way up!

01-08-19, 13:32
Bog standard symptoms you describe

My symptoms were waking during the night and nearly vomiting. My chest was on fire. Bad taste in mouth. Worsening of asthma. Hoarse voice. Couldn't eat my favourite food (spicy) without wanting to die afterwards.

I let this go on for years as a young teenager until I was about 18 because I thought this was normal!

01-08-19, 13:34
In fact, that should say 'could barely eat any food without wanting to vomit'. Even looking at spicy food was enough to cause reflux.

Take your lansoprazole. They're a wonderful class of drug and have an excellent safety profile

01-08-19, 16:23
Oh my gosh that sounds awful! I do love a curry too! Thankfully I don’t suffer with the reflux side too much!

01-08-19, 16:55
Burning in throat, feeling like I keep needing to take a deep breath in that was only “satisfying” occasionally (also get this with just plain old anxiety a lot), gas, and random chest pains.