View Full Version : Making pain worse in high panic mode? Can this happen???

always scared
01-08-19, 19:58
So sorry for posting again but I'm in such high panic mode with no end in sight :weep: Thank you so much to all the people that have posted in my other posts. Very helpful. Thank you

So almost 2 weeks ago I bumped into a old childhood friend and we talked for a bit. He has no idea I have HA. So he started telling my about his mother in law and how she died recently of colon cancer. :scared15: So since that afternoon almost 2 weeks ago I have had such a horrible lower back pain. I had a twinge of a small backache that day but thought nothing of it. A few days later it starts getting worse. Today it hurt so much :scared15: I've been freaking out about colon and ovarian cancer since.

So now my questions is Lower back pain. Can your mind make it worse? There's no way I'm making this up . I have lower back pain all over my lower back down my bum into my groin and pelvic area and I even have numbness in my toes. This can't be all from just freaking out :huh: So what are the chances that this back pain would have been this bad if I didn't bump into my friend. Or can my mind create all this inflammation in my body. This is crazy:wacko:

01-08-19, 20:08
So sorry for posting again but I'm in such high panic mode with no end in sight :weep: Thank you so much to all the people that have posted in my other posts. Very helpful. Thank you

So almost 2 weeks ago I bumped into a old childhood friend and we talked for a bit. He has no idea I have HA. So he started telling my about his mother in law and how she died recently of colon cancer. :scared15: So since that afternoon almost 2 weeks ago I have had such a horrible lower back pain. I had a twinge of a small backache that day but thought nothing of it. A few days later it starts getting worse. Today it hurt so much :scared15: I've been freaking out about colon and ovarian cancer since.

So now my questions is Lower back pain. Can your mind make it worse? There's no way I'm making this up . I have lower back pain all over my lower back down my bum into my groin and pelvic area and I even have numbness in my toes. This can't be all from just freaking out :huh: So what are the chances that this back pain would have been this bad if I didn't bump into my friend. Or can my mind create all this inflammation in my body. This is crazy:wacko:

I dont know why but whatever illness i am worried about at the time i seem to have one or more symptoms. Then when i worry about something else those symptoms go away.

I have often wondered whether it is all in my mind or not.

always scared
01-08-19, 20:16
I dont know why but whatever illness i am worried about at the time i seem to have one or more symptoms. Then when i worry about something else those symptoms go away.

I have often wondered whether it is all in my mind or not.

I'm the same way. But I'm questioning it this time because there is no way my brain is making all this pain up. It hurts way too much. Why is my body making so much pain and inflammation if it's not cancer???

01-08-19, 20:33
I'm the same way. But I'm questioning it this time because there is no way my brain is making all this pain up. It hurts way too much. Why is my body making so much pain and inflammation if it's not cancer???

Seems suspiciously close to the anxiety trigger to me. Think about it you hear about an illness and then you experience symptoms that make you think you have that illness.

If the pain is in your head does that make the pain any less real? The pain would be from a different source (your mind) but still real.

In any case your symptoms could easily be something non serious as well but us with ha will ignore this.

I am as bad. I find it easier to be logical when it isnt me 😃

01-08-19, 20:41
Of course anxiety can make you tense and as a result cause physical pain. When i am anxious i get groin pain.

09-08-19, 14:14
Yes, your mind can create all that!!! You sound like me - you hear a story and instantly start worrying you have it, I live in Australia, and March was Melanoma month....i’m still recovering from the anxiety of all the commercials about melanoma I saw! I change the channel now on stuff like that and also have all health stories blocked on my news apps etc. Health Anxiety is a terrible, very real thing - but there’s no need to deliberately feed the beast by watching/listening to stuff that’s going to set you off..