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View Full Version : Liver/ALT issue - panicking before follow-up appointment

01-08-19, 21:20
Hi all
After my c-section 4 months ago, my ALT (124/60) and AST (43/40) were elevated. So I was sent to liver specialist. I did liver ultrasound and it came back normal. I did a repeat test and ALT went down a little bit (98/60) and everything else is normal.

So she asked me to follow up in 3 months. I’m seeing her next Monday. I took liver tests and Complete Blood count test today (Thursday). Problem is I just got back from my vacation in which my diet wasn’t that good tbh. I didn’t eat too much fat but still not good. I just got over a cold and ear infection a week ago so this my affect CBC. Now I’m panicking that all of this will affect my blood tests and she would want a liver biopsy :(

Question is within a 4month period, how worse can it get if I had a normal ultrasound?

Does it hurt a lot with liver biopsy? I think she wanted to confirm fatty liver last time but since my number was going down, she decided to wait.

I’m now beating myself up inside for going on the vacation for my kids before my husband’s surgery.

Anxiety is full-blown and I’m trying not to think but it’s constantly in my mind.

Thanks for reading

02-08-19, 02:16
That's a pretty big bit of catastrophizing and a bigger leap jumping to a liver biopsy. You've had good test results so.......

Positive thoughts