View Full Version : I'm losing the plot .... ms????

02-08-19, 00:18
Okay gonna dive right in..... these r my symptoms
weakness/heavy/ pins and needles feeling in arm, hand and foot.
restless legs
frequent weeing even right after I've been
weird dizziness like balance or swaying
eyes slightly unfocused
brain fog like being underwater

saw doc she dismissed my concerns as being all anxiety .. because she knows I suffer HA. She thinks my recent miscarriage has caused this relapse but I swear I'm convinced of ms. Or am I creating it .... tired of myself

02-08-19, 03:06
I’m having this worry today myself... I have been having muscle twitches for 9-10 months and my legs feel slightly weak. My doctor ordered multiple blood tests and basically said he’s checking me for autoimmune disorders and may refer me to a rheumatologist depending on results. It really has me concerned... he did say there is a chance it could just be benign, but I can’t help but worry.

02-08-19, 03:26
I once went to my cardiologist convinced I had a heart problem, I was even skeptic at her diagnosis that I just suffered from anxiety, she noticed and said: "I give bad news all day, you're fine"

The reality is that every day we walk out of our doctors office as worried as walked in, we should kiss the ground and thank our higher power, that we didn't get bad news that day...

02-08-19, 11:35
Doc did just normal obs: Blood pressure, temp etc .... She dismissed the ms scare altogether.
It's the dizziness that I can't get past. It's almost vision related .... eyes can't keep up or something

02-08-19, 12:15
I've got the dizziness at the moment too....feel like I've been shoved from behind and my head hasn't caught up with where my body is now......New one this week.

03-08-19, 08:48
I feel your pain, I'm constantly worried about I have a brain tumor because I feel dizzy and off balance all the time. I just went away to the coast for a week and I thought I would feel better not having to battle through work every day but I actually felt worse being our of my normal routine and I ended up feeling panicky and crying every day bar one. It came in waves and I feel even worse now im home. I just feel properly on edge and awful. Im really. Convinced that I am feeling worse because the tumor is getting worse. The dr doesn't think that I have a tumor they think it's anxiety related but I just can't believe that anxiety would make me feel so bad. Im trying to. Follow the dare method but I keep doing it wrong and find it really hard to just accept the feelings which is one of the main premises of it. So i can't offer much advice but just to say you're not alone. Also sorry to hear about the b miscarriage the hormones from that won't be helping either, it's no wonder you are all over the place. I had one at 12 weeks a few years back and it was awful but you will get through it. I have a lovely 1 year old now and I just want to beat this anxiety for her really.