View Full Version : dothiepin in morning?

19-09-07, 11:45
hi all,,
just wondering if neone takes dothiepin in morn.. im taking 50mg at nte and doc wants me to take 25mg in morn as this when my anxiety bad! tried one day but felt groggy all day.. scared to do it again cos of work etc,, or does it get betta with time??
:blush: becca xx

miss motown
21-09-07, 22:02
hi ive never really heared of taking dotherpin in the mornings as they are a sedetive and your bound to feel groggy in the day ive been on 150ml but down to 75ml ive been takin these for over 8 years and ive never known anyone take them of a morning if i were you id go back and see your doctor i was told to take them half hour before bed and they work thru the night,i no if i was to take any during the day id feel as thou ive been drinking as thats how they make you feel also do you drive if so dont take them in the day if you do feel very anxious maybe start takin 75ml just before bed