View Full Version : Pulsing/twitching feeling in legs

03-08-19, 16:50
For the past couple of weeks I have been experiencing what feels like little pulses, twitches, or a popping sensation in different parts of my legs. It's hard to describe but it's almost like bubbles popping under the skin, and I feel it in multiple parts of my legs at the same time. I can't see or feel the muscle twitch if I put my fingers over it. Maybe it's all in my head...gah. It's not painful, just annoying, but I keep thinking it's DVT. I have been taking birth control pills for many years and I constantly worry that it will cause DVT. Has anyone else felt something like this? How do I make it stop?

03-08-19, 18:14
DVT would be painful throbbing cramps it wouldn’t be tiny twitches that you’re not entirely sure are real or in your head 😉 if you focus on any part of your body you become hyper aware of it take your attention away from it and you’ll notice it won’t continue.

03-08-19, 20:26
Hello Librella,

What your experiencing is small muscle fasiculations. The fibers that are twitching are deeper in the muscle so you'll feel them even though they won't be visible. A completely harmless occurrence usually caused by anxiety, fatigue, or electrolyte imbalance. These have no connection to DVT. Try to get plenty of rest and stay hydrated. Most importantly, try not to focus and worry as this will undoubtedly make them recur or worsen. Your fine.

Take care

11-08-19, 22:38
Thanks to both of you. Hearing that did help me...for a couple of days.

Then an acquaintance posted a horror story about her experience almost dying from a pulmonary embolism after a road trip and now I'm in super deep DVT health panic mode. :( I was traveling this weekend and after the flight I felt like my legs were very sore and the twitching came back. I spent all weekend feeling anxious about it and wasn't able to enjoy my trip as much. I hate this. My doctor said I'm low risk but I haven't gotten any tests, so how do they know I don't have a clotting disorder.

11-08-19, 23:06
Because your Doctor told you you're low risk.

'What if's' will drive you mad. Let it go.