View Full Version : worried Petra

19-09-07, 13:31
Hey there Everyone,

Oh dear indeed, I am having a really bad time at the moment, I am off to Florida on Saturday and I am have the worst week, I am terrified of the flight. I am so wooried that I will have a panic on the flight. :weep:

I was up walking the floorboards all night worring about this, my stomach is in Knots and I feel so awful,, im all shakey and have that horrid thumping feeling in my neck and dry throat. My wonderful Boyfriend is looking forward to this break, God knows that he needs it, he has been working sooo hard. I dont want to ruin this for him:emot-fail:. Has anyone had this before, My friends say I should talk to my GP to see if he can give me anything, is this a good Idea, has anyone tried these before, Please help.


19-09-07, 13:41
Hi there Petra

I'm sorry for your feeling of panic and anxiety, but thats all they are thoughts.
fear of the thought of a panic attack, i have this pretty much everyday.

Its so very common to be nervous before going on a trip or flight or most places and it is also very common for people to take sedatives to help them through the flight, it has worked for so many others,

I would go and talk to you GP and see if he can give you something, i'm sure as soon as your in the air and landing for your holiday you will have a great time and enjoy yourself.

Hope that you have a great holiday and you both enjoy yourselves



19-09-07, 13:54
Hi, Petra

This sounds like the basic panic and anxiety to me. I too have these problems, when it's time to do something new. You need to take some deep breaths. Also talking to your doctor would be a good idea, he can give you something to help with the flight.

Also take along something to do on the flight, that way you will keep your mind busy and not think about the panic. Remember that the fear can't hurt you.

Take care and good luck. Have a great time in Florida

19-09-07, 17:11
Hi Petra,

I also hate to fly as many do. If you do decide to get something to help you on the flight try it before you actually fly to see how your body adjusts to it, also don't drink with it. I agree to take a book, music, anything you can to distract you. Earplugs help me quite a bit as the noise gets to me. Remember you will have your boyfriend's hand to hold to help calm you, also do some deep breathing and focus on the moment not the what if's.

You will love Florida, I lived there most of my life and miss it very much. You will do just fine and have a wonderful success story to tell us when you return.


19-09-07, 19:49
Hi Petra

Just a quickie to say I was the same as you! Especially the week before I had to fly to Mexico. That was back in August this year. I was an absolute wreck and not just cause of flight - I was also coming out of a really bad bout of anxiety. Anyway doc gave me valium for flights, but I didn't take them. It was more a case of knowing I had them if I really need them.

I went to Mexico (despite thinking I would have to cancel and spoil the whole holiday for hubby and kids) had a great time and found the flight really enjoyable. I took loads of things in my bag that helped me, rescue remedy, fear of flying book, positive statements etc and didn't need any of it cause I was so busy watching films, eating and enjoying a glass of wine!

You will be SO proud when you do it and you will have a fabe time.

Love Sarah x