View Full Version : Water up nose help!

04-08-19, 23:56
Moved to a new place- new pool..

It looks clear but I never smell or taste any chlorine... thinking it’s salt water maybe? Though I can’t tell...

I never see a pool cleaner come- but I also rarely go by it when I’m not home..I’ve seen him 1/2 times in 6 months.

It’s a more privately owned community now so it’a not an apartment... just a home owners association.... anyway... of course I was splashing around yesterday and choked on water that went down my throat as I was trying to learn backstroke... I’m almost certain it went up my nose as I felt it draining down my sinuses...

Anyway today I have a really sore/ stiff neck and feel my nose unblocking and sinuses draining... it tastes mildly like blood... could this be Pam????

I went and looked at the pool.. there are very small little patches of dirt on bottom... more in the shallow part... but water is still crystal clear and when I bent down by it I could smell some sort of chemical... we also live by the beach... so a lot of sand gets tracked everywhere and there were a lot of people in our pool... the filter is always running though... I mean... I’m sure it’s probably okay right?

You guessed it... worried about Brain eating amoeba.

05-08-19, 00:12
The only thing worrying is that you're worrying about this.

Positive thoughts

05-08-19, 00:41
So you have all these HA concerns yet still risk using a pool you fear could be contaminated with a brain-eating amoeba?

I doubt you believe any of this yourself :lac:

05-08-19, 00:43
Yes... because I try to not let fears stop me... but when I’m alone or things happen I still worry....

05-08-19, 06:14
Uhhh my neck is killing me... isn’t this a symptom?

05-08-19, 08:14
Your neck probably hurts from trying to learn the backstroke, it can be very easy to pull/hurt a muscle while swimming/learning new strokes, I swim in my apartment complexes pool all the time and was trying to get better at breast stroke a few weeks ago and the next day my shoulders/chest muscles were sore. I can guarantee you the pool is chlorinated and checked, especially if its run by a home owners association/complex, just because you haven't seen them checking/cleaning doesn't mean they aren't, they likely have a schedule that they follow and it may not coincide with the times you typically swim

06-08-19, 02:12
ThatÂ’s what IÂ’m thinking..

Okay so I was fine all day.

I actually noticed a worker out there cleaning the pool with a vacuum early this morning on my way to work...

Anyway- In the last hour I have developed a tickle up one nostril... almost like I have to sneeze - it isnÂ’t going away... I also feel like IÂ’m developing a frontal headache... almost like a slight brain freeze... please tell me this isnÂ’t it...

06-08-19, 04:06
It’s not it!:yesyes:
Unless you swam in a dirty lake or river, you literally have nothing to worry about. i used to fear BEA as you know, and in all honestly, it was ridiculous. I even feared SFI and rabies...I’ve had all these crazy fears, and honestly, I’ve gotten over them. I’m sure you can too, as long as you of course, stop feeding the dragon! I obviously am not one to talk as I have started fearing a bit of the more common stuff, but at least I’m done with the very frightening ones and super rare ones.

06-08-19, 18:56
😶 uhhhh now my vision is blurry...

06-08-19, 19:04
😶 uhhhh now my vision is blurry...

Unless you lost your ability to smell and taste I highly doubt your blurry vision is a result of PAM. If anything, I haven’t even seen blurry vision as a symptom of PAM. If it is though, it must be in the later stages, of which you would obviously not be lucid, and thus wouldn’t be able to think or act properly. Considering this, your blurry vision is not a result of BEA, please don’t worry about this any further.

06-08-19, 19:39
If it is though, it must be in the later stages, of which you would obviously not be lucid, and thus wouldn’t be able to think or act properly.

Well, this train of thought is pretty irrational ;)

Positive thoughts

06-08-19, 20:53
Well, this train of thought is pretty irrational ;)

Positive thoughts

Well my point is that if she actually had PAM and blurred vision was a result of it, she wouldn’t be talking or typing on a keyboard. So I’m just trying to say that she’s fine and overreacting lol...

06-08-19, 21:05
Well my point is that if she actually had PAM and blurred vision was a result of it, she wouldn’t be talking or typing on a keyboard. So I’m just trying to say that she’s fine and overreacting lol...

Ohhh...I know.... ;) Just overstating the obvious. Threads like this are obviously WAY over the top when it come to logic and common sense.

Positive thoughts

06-08-19, 21:34
Ohhh...I know.... ;) Just overstating the obvious. Threads like this are obviously WAY over the top when it come to logic and common sense.

Positive thoughts

Oh lol now I get it. :)
I assumed you were saying my statement was irrational. Uh, I’m really considering making a thread about why people don’t have brain eating amoebas lol...Seems like a good idea considering that I went through the same fear for over a year and still do sometimes, at very rare occasions.

06-08-19, 21:52
I don’t mean to be rude or challenging? But isn’t everyone here because of “irrational thoughts” ...? Just food for thought.

06-08-19, 22:06
I don’t mean to be rude or challenging? But isn’t everyone here because of “irrational thoughts” ...? Just food for thought.

The sight is called "No More Panic", not "Feed My Dragon". IMO, the point is to challenge the irrationality, not feed or enable it. If there were remotely a reason for concern, it would have been stated. In reality, considering the number of documented cases of this in recorded history and the circumstances under which it actually happened, its not worth a second thought let alone even a first one :whistles:

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